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Science Trashed Yet Again by Transgender Ideology

Image credit The BFD.

Transgenderism is one of the most dangerous fronts in the woke war against science and reason. Not only is it blatantly being used as a wedge for all manner of creepers to get their slimy claws into a generation of children and slither their way into women’s protected spaces, it’s increasingly shoving women aside altogether and subjugating them to the demeaning roles of “breeding persons” and “chest feeders”.

Perhaps worst of all, it’s trashing the hard-won gains of scientific rationalism.

It cannot be overstated what an unusual and difficult achievement the scientific revolution really has been. Science, in tandem with the Enlightenment thinking that nurtured it, has helped to make us the richest, healthiest, longest-lived and safest generation in human history.

But it’s a fragile achievement. Science and reason are not natural human modes of thinking: by nature we’re a tribe of superstitious monkeys. Science and reason are hard work – and three hundred years of such hard work are being torn down by pseudo-intellectual garbage like transgenderism.

Transgender activists have bullied and threatened violence against journals and academics who publish peer-reviewed papers debunking the lies of transgenderism – most especially the fiction that biological sex and “gender” are completely separate categories.

It’s quite simple really.

The British medical establishment has almost completely succumbed to transgenderism, ordering its workers to stop using words like “mother” or “breastfeeding”. Even when the leading medical trade journal pushes back ever so gently, it dares not call out the Big Lie of transgenderism.

A new study in the British Medical Journal warns of “inappropriate” medical treatments for patients that could occur when doctors “deliberately confuse sex and gender.”

The U.K.’s Christian Institute said the study from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland said “the significance of biological sex is being ignored by some medical practitioners, which can result in male or female-specific treatments being offered to the wrong people.”

It takes, of all people, a comedian to say bluntly what the British medical establishment dare not speak openly. When tranny activist Jonathan Yaniv took time out from sending creepy, sexualised online messages to underage girls to whine about being refused service by a gynaecologist, Ricky Gervais was brutally to the point: “It’s disgusting that a qualified gynaecologist can refuse to check a lady’s cock for ovarian cancer. What if her bollocks are pregnant? She could lose the baby. I’m outraged”.

You’ll find no such plain speaking from the BMJ.

“In their study, published in the British Medical Journal, the researchers explained that in cases where transgender patients have been taking cross-sex hormones for a long period, they may respond differently to treatments for medical conditions,” the institute said.

Dr. Margaret McCartney of the university’s medical school said: “There are many instances of sex and gender being confused by the research community and society more broadly. Unless we identify and count categories correctly, we will end up with errors which serve all populations poorly, including minority populations.”

Susan Bewley of King’s College London said medical care “requires an understanding of the difference between sex and gender categories; untangling them is crucial for safe, dignified, and effective healthcare of all groups.”

“Avoidable harm may result when they are conflated — for example, if sex specific laboratory reference ranges are used for people whose gender is recorded but not their biological sex or hormone prescription,” she said.

World News Daily

This is self-contradictory nonsense.

The researchers correctly point out that a man can alter his birth certificate, put on a dress, even cut his dick off, but his chromosomes will always tell the truth. Teenage girls can be cajoled into cutting their breasts off and wrecking their bodies with hormones, but they remain unchangeably biologically female.

Men and women respond differently to many medical treatments. Pretending that a man is a woman can be a deadly delusion.

Image credit The BFD.
The whole stupid mess can be easily fixed by giving up the transgender lie and admitting what was true for all human history, until a group of nutty Marxist Queer Theory academics in the 70s decided that they knew better: sex and gender are the same damned thing.

When even supposedly sober medical science is subjugating itself to such un-scientific, irrational garbage, the Enlightenment and scientific rationality are truly doomed.

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