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‘Science’ Website Pulls Trans Book Review

Irreversible damage Transgenderism

It’s a sign of how far post-Marxist ideology has subsumed every aspect of the academy that even science has succumbed. Science was once, theoretically at least, about the fearless pursuit of truth. If that were ever true, it certainly isn’t any more.

The assault on science is multi-pronged: here climate activism, there “indigenous science”. But the rolling, crushing, iron-clad beast of the anti-science war machine right now is transgenderism.

So total has been the abject surrender of the sciences to the monumentally idiotic claim that “gender” is separate from biology that scientific bodies and journals dare not stand up to the screeching men in dresses. Even the supposedly rigorously sceptical Science-Based Medicine website has caved to tranny activists and scrubbed Dr Harriet Hall’s review of Abigail Shier’s Irrevesible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

So what did Hall say that so angered the trannies? (Although face it, tipping trannies over the edge into shrieking meltdowns is shooting fish in a barrel: for a mob who deny being mentally ill, they sure do a good line in unhinged hysteria.)

In 2018 I wrote about a research study by Lisa Littman. She coined the term rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD)[…]Her study raised the possibility that rather than always being an innate, immutable sense of incongruence between anatomical sex and personal sense of gender, some cases of gender dysphoria might be due to social contagion from peer pressure and online influences.

In other words, teenage girls are faddish and slavishly ape what their peers and online “influencers” are doing? Well, colour me shocked.

The most obvious sign that “transgenderism” is an artificially-induced craze is the sheer, sudden deluge.

Historically, the conviction that one’s gender doesn’t match one’s anatomical sex typically began around age 2–4. It affected only .01 percent of children, almost exclusively boys. And in 70% of cases, they eventually outgrew it. Prior to 2012, there was no scientific literature on girls age 11–21 ever having developed gender dysphoria at all.

The picture has changed dramatically. Natal girls now constitute the majority. Clusters of adolescents are discovering transgender identities together and are clamoring for hormones and surgery.

And unscrupulous adults are handing them out, without question.

What is really happening is that old-fashioned tomboys are being medicalised and unscrupulously exploited by dangerous, fanatical activists.

Those who transition rarely adopt the stereotypical habits of men (like buying a weight set) and only 3% have had a phalloplasty (to create an artificial penis) and only 13% say they want one. A common response is “I don’t know exactly that I want to be a guy. I just know I don’t want to be a girl.” Girls who previously would have been classified as tomboys or lesbians are now classified as transgender; sometimes the idea of transgender is first suggested by a therapist. In one school where 15 students had come out as transgender, there wasn’t a single lesbian. Shrier looked for instances where a counsellor suggested to a patient that they might be lesbian rather than transgender; she couldn’t find a single example. In the last decade, lesbians have seen the disappearance of lesbian bars and publications. Lesbians have been denigrated as transgender males who won’t admit they are supposed to be boys.

Transgenderism peddles a good line of bullshit about “inclusivity”. In reality it’s the most exclusive misogyny this side of Islam. Women are being all but erased from everything from the Girl Guides to sports. Despite its rhetoric, transgenderism reinforces gender stereotypes with Victorian scrupulousness.

From “gender-whisperers” in schools to “affirmation model” clinics, this damaging, misogynist ideology is being promulgated at all levels.

In California, students can opt out from sexual health education instruction but cannot opt out of gender identity and sexual identification instruction. Gender stereotypes are taught in kindergarten. Children are taught that they might have a girl brain in a boy body or vice versa; never mind that that is biologically nonsensical[…]

A new “affirmative care” standard of mental health care has been adopted by nearly every medical accrediting organization.

One need only imagine applying “affirmative care” to another instance of body dysphoria, anorexia, to understand how deadly and damaging transgenderism really is. A therapist who told an anorexic, “Yes, you really are fat: here, have some weight-loss pills” would be run out of their profession.

This is a damaging, Marxist cult, more akin to paedophile grooming than anything else.

The number of people identifying as lesbians is dropping. Therapists are accepting patients’ self-diagnoses unquestioningly, and irreversible treatments are being offered without therapist involvement[…] Children are being instructed in how to lie to parents and doctors to coerce them into providing the treatments they want. Families are being destroyed.

The Skeptic

Hall advocates limiting surgeries to patients enrolled in research trials and the abandonment of the “affirmative care” model. She disagrees with Shrier that girls might be better off denied cell phones, but how else is the reach of the transgender serpents going to be limited?

I would go further: “gender identity” lessons, and anything else related to Queer Theory, should be scrubbed from school curricula. So-called “anti-bullying” programs (which are really transgender recruitment drives in disguise) should be rigorously vetted and mostly ditched.

More lawsuits such as the one against the odious Tavistock clinic in Britain should be supported.

Most importantly, the people – academics, activists, therapists, educators – at the core of this movement must be held publicly accountable for what they’ve done.

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