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Scott Morrison Dances with Evangelicals

Jacinda’s found a new friend. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Chris Trotter has got Scott Morrison dancing with the Evangelicals. Would he rather he danced with the devil?

Trotter thinks the Book of Revelation has got a lot to do with the Coalition’s foreign policy in standing up to China over various issues like the origin of Covid and the persecution of the Uighurs. He thinks Australia is taking a suicidal approach in opposing China, and their leaders are only doing it because they believe they will be raptured up to heaven before the “great tribulation”, as featured in Tim La Hay’s “Left Behind” series of books, comes.

Here in New Zealand Nanaia Mahuta thinks our foreign policy has a lot to do with the taniwha, a mythological sea creature.

Chapter 9, verse 16 of the Book of Revelation reveals a 200 million man army, referred to in later chapters as ‘Kings of the East’ who will march on the Middle East and do battle with Jesus Christ on the plains of Megiddo in Israel. This is the battle known as Armageddon.

Some may have wondered in previous times how the “Kings of the East” would arrive in Israel. Wonder no more. The Chinese are planning an economic road that runs all the way from China to Germany, and also a maritime one that runs through the ports of South East Asia, Africa, the Suez and onto Venice in Italy. A Chinese military base in Djibouti, Africa is already in place.

Scott Morrison had to rush over to Queenstown to make sure New Xi-Land hadn’t fallen any further into Chinese clutches.

According to ‘Auntie Audrey’ at the “Ferald” (Herald) he has ditched mentioning the Anzac spirit and is now on to the ANZUS treaty, where both countries have an agreement to come to each other’s aid if attacked militarily. This was the takeaway from the “family meeting”.

Steinfort from 60 Minutes had to practically bust into the Beehive to get an interview with Ardern, who had refused him previously. He dropped the clanger question of, “Is New Zealand going soft on China?” She is used to syrupy questions from timid journalists here. We do not have the likes of Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones from Sky News to rough things up a bit for her.

The Steinfort question was reacted to with the usual obfuscation. The ‘She-Wolf’ (Ardern) blamed it on the Australian media’s lack of perception of reality.

Yeah right!  Anyone who doesn’t get the Fairy Princess’s reality is refused an interview; like Mike Hosking, who has the most popular radio show in New Zealand.

New hate speech laws are about to silence us even further, which is why we need the Australian media.

Any state appointees in New Zealand are usually UN compliant, like Meng Foon. He said Kiwis were offended by the appellation of New Xi-Land in the 60 minutes trailer of “Kiwis Might Fly”. Well some of us aren’t because we know this is true, and also because it’s funny and very fitting.

Will the romance of ‘Cindy’ (Ardern) and ‘Yindy’ (Yinping) return to our screens? Watch out for the next gripping episode.

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