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Scott Morrison Backs Anzac Day Services

Many Australians were upset that Anzac Day was cancelled altogether last year, “becuz COVID”. But most grudgingly accepted that “we’re all in this together”. Although more than a few eyebrows were raised when lefty protest marches went ahead. But when, this year, Anzac Day was cancelled again, while Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras was allowed to go ahead, Australians were outraged. Veterans in particular.

“This has shown the country which Australians are more important, which Australians matter,” one vet lamented.

The backlash is so palpable that even dictatorial state governments seem to have realised that they might have pushed Australians one double-standard too far.

And, for once, PM Scott Morrison is standing up to hypocritical, authoritarian state premiers.

Anzac Day marches will be held in every capital city after Scott Morrison said he wanted the national day to proceed, arguing that if people were free to “protest” and “party” then they should be free to honour the nation’s war veterans.

Still, compare the numbers and ask yourself who state governments think are more worthy of their indulgence.

Guess which event has full state, media and corporate support? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
The Victorian government was on Tuesday considering plans to declare this year’s Anzac Day march in Melbourne a “major event’’ which would allow up to 5,000 people to participate.

The NSW government ­increased the number of veterans ­allowed to march on April 25 from 500 to 5,000 following the Prime Minister’s intervention and an outcry from veterans. The decision was made after a crisis meeting between NSW Police Minister David Elliott, health officials and veterans groups.

Yet NSW allowed 30,000 to flock to Mardi Gras – six times more than they’re grudgingly allowing for Anzac Day. 8,000 were allowed to attend a music festival in Melbourne – 60% more than “Dandrewstan” are “considering” for Anzac Day.

Anzac Day banned, but crowded music festival just fine with Double-Standards Dan. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Anyone see a double standard here?

“If people can party and if ­people can protest, then we can ­remember as a nation, and honour our veterans on Anzac Day,” Mr Morrison said. “I would like to see that done as fully and as safely as possible, and I think that is not ­beyond our wits to achieve that. I want Anzac Day on.”

Marches and remembrance services were cancelled last year as the COVID-19 pandemic escalated and forced large-scale ­restrictions. Instead, families par­ticipated in emotional, candlelit driveway vigils at dawn to mark the occasion.

Former governor-general Sir Peter Cosgrove told The Australian it was time to “get one of our great national days back”[…]

“I was saddened at what I saw as the de facto demise of Anzac Day as a national day, which for many has been as prominent or more so than many of our other national holidays,” Sir Peter said.

“I hope that in all of the usual places around Australia, veterans and those who observe and ­respect Anzac Day can gather and march or watch in the way we have done since 1916 when, on the shores of the Suez Canal, ­Monash and others made their first commemoration”[…]

World War II veteran Nevin Phillips, 96, who served on-board HMAS Kanimbla in the Pacific, was devastated when last year’s Anzac Day celebrations were called off at the height of the coronavirus pandemic[…]

Granddaughter Lauren, 25, said the whole family would go to watch him march every year with pride and this year may be his generation’s last chance.

“He’s 96 and if he doesn’t get the opportunity to march this year, there is no guarantee if he will make it to 97,” she said.

The Australian
WWII veteran Nevin Phillips at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance with granddaugther Lauren. The BFD.

To their credit, SA and WA are planning for Anzac Day as usual. What will go ahead in Tasmania is still unclear, although Hobart RSL have announced a “restricted” event.

Well, bugger that. I’ll be at our local cenotaph and to hell with this COVID garbage. If a bunch of twinks and drag queens can mince around the SCG with the state’s blessing, we can have our dawn service.

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