An ad was seen on SunLive and The Weekend Sun, inviting Tauranga residents to the launch of the Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance. This is being set up because of an exorbitant rate hike of 22% proposed by newly appointed commissioners. Local Government Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, appointed 4 commissioners replacing the elected councillors. Radio/TV broadcaster Peter Williams was MC, and Simon Bridges MP was a guest speaker.
Peter Williams made a passionate introduction against the need for such high rates. Jordan Williams, Executive Director of the Taxpayers Union said they will give financial help to form the Alliance. The meeting was enthusiastic and appreciative. That was until Kim Williams, spokesperson of the newly formed Tauranga Ratepayers’ Alliance, started her speech with a Maori greeting. She was shocked when interrupted by a vocal protest by a few of those present.
Peter Williams admonished the crowd. The meeting was recorded, and it went viral. It was shared widely predominantly because some did not want Te Reo spoken. This reaction was unusual for a New Zealand audience.
The frustrated outburst against Te Reo may be indicative that patience is wearing thin.
For a long time, New Zealanders have accepted that some land was taken unfairly and illegally from Maori tribes.
The Government Treaty Settlements.
The Waitangi Tribunal was established following the passing of the Waitangi Act 1975, by the Muldoon government. It is a permanent commission of inquiry that makes recommendations on claims brought by Maori relating to Crown actions which breach the promises made in the Treaty of Waitangi.
As of August 2018, 73 settlements had been passed into law. The total value of all finalised settlements was $2.24 billion.
There is also marae, educational, kaumatua, community and cultural grants given.
The National-led Government has been by far the most generous with treaty settlements, having paid out $1.22 billion over 6 years, and is pushing for as many signed agreements as possible before the Sept 20 election.
The NZ Centre for Political Research, 2014
Alongside settlement pay-outs, quotas were established for Maori students to train as nurses, doctors and teachers. It is race-based, but many kiwis supported Maori to have higher education. Most New Zealanders went along with the National Anthem sung in Te Reo and English. Kiwis have accepted cultural difference and equal opportunity for Maori to vote and/or be elected in every aspect of New Zealand life.
Jacinda Ardern’s agenda for Maori is going too far and people are reacting.
The Labour Government pushed through under urgency the withdrawal of the right to have a referendum to oppose Maori wards in local councils. They also suppressed knowledge of the He Puapua document, which proposed plans for Maori to have separate sovereignty with their own government, social welfare, educational, justice and health systems. New Zealanders had heard about these issues prior to the Ratepayers Meeting, so it would have been fresh in their minds.
No one decided that New Zealand should be called Aotearoa or Auckland referred to constantly as Tamaki Makaurau, but we hear it all the time on state broadcasters. We also hear presenters speaking some words in Maori regularly without translation.
Ardern says she is a socialist democrat, but democracy, for her, scores a zero.
Giving New Zealanders a democratic vote on huge constitutional changes is not planned. It is already happening under the radar.
Judith Collins and David Seymour have been labelled “racist” for just asking Ardern questions about He Puapua. Collins has claimed it will create “Two systems by stealth”.
Settlements, grants and a democratic vote are not enough.
New Zealand is experiencing Douglas Murray’s definition of collective ‘madness’. A perhaps overly simplified summary of the main thesis of (the British author/journalist) Douglas Murray’s book “The Madness of Crowds” might read like this.
When there is a major injustice that needs to be addressed, there is a fight for equality. (Murray details this, citing the issues of gay rights, women’s rights, racial and trans gender equality.) Then when the war on reversing the injustice is all but won, it does not stop, rather it gathers steam and moves into other and often more extreme and controversial issues.
To quote Murray,
“Women’s rights had – like gay rights – been steadily accumulated throughout the twentieth century. They too appeared to be arriving at some sort of settlement. Then just as the train appeared to be reaching its desired destination it suddenly picked up steam and went crashing off down the tracks and into the distance.”
In his introduction, he writes:
“We are going through a great crowd derangement, in public and in private, both online and off, people are behaving in ways that are increasingly irrational, feverish, herd-like, and simply unpleasant.
We face not just a future of ever-greater atomisation, rage and violence, but a future in which the possibility of a backlash against all rights advances – including the good ones – grows more likely.
He concludes:
“With each of the issues highlighted in this book the aim of the social justice campaigners has consistently been to take each one – gay, women, race, trans – that they can present as a rights grievance and make their case at its most inflammatory. Their desire is not to heal but to divide, not to placate but to inflame, not to damper but to burn. In this again the last part of a Marxist substructure can be glimpsed. If you cannot rule a society – or pretend to rule it or try to rule it and collapse everything – then you can do something else”.
p. 247.
Peter Williams was probably right to say it was rude to object to Kim speaking in Te Reo. It will not, however, stop New Zealanders from fighting back against Labour’s separatist agenda as it is a catalyst for racial conflict.
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