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Sex Scandal Mess Spreads across the Aisles

A familiar stink is hanging over Parliament House. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

To the surprise of absolutely no one except the clueless clown-show that is the Canberra Bubble, the Parliamentary sex scandal that Labor and the left-media unleashed against the Morrison government is quickly turning on its handlers.

As already reported on The BFD, another anonymous, historical rape allegation is creeping its way through Canberra – this time concerning an unnamed senior Labor politician. All that’s been confirmed is that it’s not Bill Shorten.

Then there’s Andrew Laming, the Liberal MP who’s standing down after being caught up-skirting a woman at a business premises.

All of this begs the question: just where do our political parties find these creeps? Despite the left-media narrative, it’s far from a Coalition “woman problem”. The Greens have faced a slew of sleaze scandals, ranging from accused rape to candidates boasting on social media about shoplifting, drug abuse and date-raping women. Labor went into the last election with a leader accused of rape.

As these scandals will, this one still has a long way to go, and a whole lot more people on all sides stand to get burned. Former Labor MP Kate Ellis claims that the latest rape accusation is just the tip of the iceberg for Labor.

The MP has not been named, but Ms Ellis has revealed her knowledge of the incident as she spelled out her experience of the toxic workplace culture for women in Canberra, following a swath of similar allegations in ­recent weeks[…]

Ms Ellis said, as a staffer, she heard allegations of what she ­described as “serious sexual assault and misconduct” from an elected Labor MP, adding that she suspected there were hundreds more.

Hundreds more. And Labor have had the barefaced cheek to self-righteously accuse the government over a handful of gay staffers treating Parliament as some sort of Mardi Gras outreach program.

What’s also becoming obvious is just how complicit the feminist fishwives have been. Like the #MeToo accusers in Hollywood, they’re tacitly admitting that they went along with a culture of rampant sexual abuse in order to keep their own seat on the political gravy train.

In a new book, Ms Ellis details how she never felt comfortable to speak out about gender issues during her time in federal politics[…]

Soon into her tenure as a minister, she was forced to quash ­rumours about a threesome between herself, former chief of staff Shannon Rees and a male staff member in her office[…]

Ms Ellis said in order to stop the story from being published, her office had to give the newspaper another story: that Malcolm Turnbull had once ­applied to join the Labor Party.

“I knew if that story ran, it would be career-ending for me,” Ms Ellis said.

The Australian

So now she’s using it to push her new career as an author?

But political priapism is clearly not just a Canberra problem.

Tasmanian Labor is refusing to explain why it persisted with the candidacy of a prominent doctor after he learned he faced a historic sexual assault allegation.

Labor announced Huon Valley doctor Bastian Seidel as its candidate for the state upper house seat of Huon in February 2020 and he was elected in ­August.

The Australian

Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White and the ALP state secretary are refusing to state whether or not they knew of the investigation before the election. But newspapers have stated that Seidel at least informed the state secretary of a “serious complaint against him” before his candidacy was even announced.

Of course the allegations against Seidel remain just that: after the election he was cleared by a medical ethics investigation and police have advised that the statute of limitations precludes a criminal investigation.

But that’s hardly the point: the point is that Labor, which self-righteously lambasts the Coalition for a supposed “women problem”, clearly chose to ignore serious allegations that were then active against a candidate. It looks suspiciously like Labor put political expediency ahead of “believing women”. Surely not.

Andrew Laming’s is just as surely not the last political head to roll over all this. There will be a lot of nervous Labor pollies sweating bullets for the next few weeks.

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