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The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Sorry to rub it in (I’m not really) but my prediction on this blog in early 2020 that “when it’s all done and dusted, Sweden’s non-lockdown approach to covid will have proved to be the correct one”.

Apart from the fact that all of Europe has now adopted it, here’s the actual data recently released by the World Health Organisation for 2020-21.

Measuring excess deaths (the difference between expected and actual mortality) Sweden recorded 56 per 100,000 population, one of the lowest rates in Europe.

Sweden made their non-lockdown rule aware of the collateral damage of lockdowns on the economy, healthcare and education in particular.

The UK for example, recorded 109 excess deaths per 100,000 putting it 15th out of 28 European nations and ahead of the likes of Germany and Italy.

As the Daily Telegraph editorialised, “It’s about time the world apologised to Sweden.”

So Sweden today boxes on in great shape while the rest of the world (and certainly New Zealand) struggles to cope with the collateral damage, alluded to.

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