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Shariah to Rule Aus Social Media Posts

Albanese govt appoints a sharia-compliant ‘Islamophobia’ censor

The future of Australian social media. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Australia is drowning in a tsunami of anti-Semitism, just like the rest of the world. Greens politicians bellow the anti-Semitic genocide slogan, ‘From the River to the Sea’, in parliament. Protesters defile Parliament House with the grotesque Hamas death-mark. Thousands swarm weekly in our major cities, waving banners calling to ‘cleanse the world’ of Jews, and proclaiming their allegiance to Hezbollah.

So, what does the Albanese government do?

Aftab Malik, a United Nations Alliance of Civilisations “Global Expert” on Muslim affairs, has been named as the government’s Islamophobia envoy.

That’s right, in a swamp of anti-Semitism, Labor appoints an ‘Islamophobia envoy’.

To be fair, they appointed an ‘anti-Semitism envoy’ some months ago… which begs the question, have they actually listened to her? If they have, it certainly doesn’t show.

It also begs the question of why an ‘Islamophobia envoy’ is even necessary.

Are Muslims going to school behind armed guards?

Have mosques been firebombed or spray-painted with swastikas and Hamas symbols? (Just kidding on that last one, the Hamas symbols are inside.)

Are thousands marching in the streets, or swarming the steps of the Sydney Opera House, chanting ‘Death to Muslims?’

Are Muslims being beaten in the street by Jewish mobs?

We know all the answers to those. That the government even pretends that an ‘Islamophobia envoy’ is needed when anti-Semitism is at record highs is a grotesquely false moral equivalence.

That the same government that is attempting to impose blanket censorship on Australians’ free speech online is simultaneously appointing a sharia censor to troll social media and bring criminal prosecution on anyone who dares say a negative word about Islam is an outrage.

It should perhaps surprise no one that Aftab Malik has previously taught an Introduction to Shariah course at the University of Sydney, a notorious hotbed of academic anti-Semitism. Although, oddly, that detail has recently been scrubbed from his bio at SimplyIslam Academy (it’s still visible in the site description, and on this Facebook post).

Malik himself has written that the ‘prohibition of fomenting and spreading sedition/persecution (fitnah)’ is an ‘unequivocal truth’ in Islam. ‘Fitna’, in the Koran, means such things as ‘persecution’, and ‘kufr’ (disbelieving in Allah, denying his authority, rejecting the tenets of Islam, or simply not being a Muslim – infidels, in other words), and ‘shirk’ (a grievous sin in Islam, which Christians are particularly ‘guilty’ of, by believing in the divinity of Jesus).

Malik also parrots the same false moral equivalence as the government, that somehow ‘Islamophobia’ is as much a problem as anti-Semitism.

“Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are not mutually exclusive: where there is one, you most likely will find the other lurking,” he said.

Except that, as repeated surveys show, anti-Semitism is endemic in the Islamic world. Where, after all, the daily prayer of Muslims calls down the wrath of Allah on Jews. Where the prophet whom all Muslims must strive to emulate, in every way, used his dying breath to call on Allah to ‘curse the Jews and Christians’.

He also claims, against all historical evidence, that:

Islamic law is not “culturally predatory.” In other words, Islam does not impose “Islamic culture” (a thing that does not really exist) upon indigenous cultures.

(Short pause for you all to wipe the coffee spray from your screens.)

For all that, though, Malik’s appointment has been widely criticised by other leading Muslims, on account that he’s too moderate.

Is this really who we want policing what we’re allowed to say about Islam?

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