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She Just Loves Playing the Social Media Shell Game with You

There must be a public poll coming. How do I know? Easy, the tyrant Jacinda Ardern is posting inane rubbish on social media and her lickspittles in the media slavishly leap on the posts and create ‘news’ out of it. It’s a shell game she loves playing with you all.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is blaming Daylight Saving after being forced to head to work this morning clad in muddy gumboots.

Taking to social media, Ardern revealed why she had to wear muddy gumboots to Parliament – and it’s something that impacts most young families around the country.

She explained that adjusting to daylight saving time had a major impact on her daughter Neve’s sleeping pattern which led to a series of unfortunate events.

“Ahhh daylight savings,” she wrote.

“Poor Clarke was up multiple times with our small person, so when they both were finally getting some sleep at 6am and I realised retrieving my shoes would wake them, there was only one option. Gumboots to work.”

The hard case moment has since gone viral on social media with Kiwis weighing in on the situation.

Prime Minister’s Press Office inside the NZ Herald

Yet again the tyrant uses her child to make unearned media stories.

What a load of bollocks. Is she seriously wanting us to believe that this self-centred, narcissistic control freak really has no other footwear options available to her other than dirty gumboots?

What’s next? A story about tyrant being rumoured to have eaten a chocolate muffin with her morning tea? No doubt the lickspittles in the media will quickly fact-check this rumour, keep us all posted with any updates as soon as humanly possible and provide a live blog with updates.

This story is as lame as the now-deleted social media post faking the use an ironing board as a desk.

playing the social media shell game
The BFD.

The social media posts are just a shell game that the tyrant loves playing with you to distract you from the appalling failures of her regime of imbeciles.

There will be a public poll in the coming weeks – that’s why she’s hitting social media. The sad part is that her lickspittles in the media continue to promote this tosh instead of holding the tyrant to account.

Bear in mind that this social media post was delivered the same day as she continued to hammer the economy with a continuation of the red light settings.

The next election can’t come soon enough.

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A Gun Lobby You Say?

A Gun Lobby You Say?

Bryce Edwards, and other lefty lickspittles with an axe to grind against the Government, keep on saying that Nicole McKee is in the thrall of the gun lobby. The only problem for them is that there isn’t such a thing.

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