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Dear Editor

There is a concerted drive underway to discredit all except the MSM.

TV One is running a series warning about ‘fake news’ news, with the standard ‘Guilt by Association’ process of describing a clearly deluded view (‘Green Lizards from the Planet Zog taking over the world’ type of thing) and immediately aligning that to opposition to proven childhood vaccines, and so it becomes that hesitancy to any vaccine makes you a nutter.

Then onto Chantelle Baker’s live report saying that Police had overturned a generator, starting a tent fire, which she openly and publically retracted as soon as she found it was wrong. However, MSM reporting that the Police had been sprayed with a toxic substance was not retracted when videos showed pepper spray being carried towards police lines. And there was also no retraction of MSM claims that children were playing in sewage or that protesters were carrying pitchforks.

These stories are clearly setting up for all news to be classed as fake unless ‘approved’ by the MSM (Government) and heavy punishment for those found to have said something later deemed to be false. Unless by the MSM, of course, who will get a free pass – and $55 million.

It’s increasingly clear that freedom of speech and democracy are under heavy attack from an elite who see themselves as responsible for guiding we “deplorables” in the correct direction.

It’s surprising how crudely this is being done, with their Straw Man weak arguments being set up then knocked down triumphantly, and their Dog Whistle claims that allow the attacker to demolish what they think the other person means, rather than just what they actually said.

It shows the contempt that the ‘elites’ (Communications and Political Science Degrees at the ready) have for the average person. I guess if you are certain you are right, then so be it if freedom of speech and democracy have to be sacrificed for this noble task.

This will soon lead to calls from the Wokes for independent Media sites like The BFD and VFF to be banned.

We are at one of the major turning points in history. What an amazing time to be alive.

Angus Aardvark
