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Sick of Censorship? Support Big Tech Alternatives

Internet censorship

**Updated: 18th January

I don’t know about you but I am sick to the back teeth of Twitter, YouTube Facebook, Amazon and Google who are currently de-platforming and censoring conservatives with gay abandon.

To give you an example of just how bad it is. I loaded an article to use the following day and later when I was preparing it for publication I noticed that YouTube and Twitter had already removed content that I had embedded into the article. I had to bin the whole article as three of the links were now dead.

This is not the first time that this has happened.

I want to support alternatives to Big Tech wherever possible and with that in mind I am publishing a three part series to highlight the alternatives to Big Tech that are out there.

My first list is for alternatives to YouTube. Many of you regularly send us YouTube links to political content to be published in the evening and far too often, within days the content is censored by YouTube. For that reason, I am requesting that readers try to find alternative sources of the same content so that I can publish links to it secure in the knowledge that it won’t be removed.

There are other excellent reasons why you should look into YouTube alternatives:

  • Broaden your horizons: YouTube monitors your habits so it only shows you what it thinks is relevant to you. This means that it censors new content that it doesn’t think you will like. This means that what you view becomes an echo chamber.
  • Don’t be tracked: Google owns YouTube and Google is known for its extensive data collection practices. No one can beat Google at detailed user profiling. From your location to apps, websites, and browsers you use, YouTube tracks many aspects of your behaviour.

Alternatives to YouTube include:

Please feel free to share in the comment section any other YouTube alternatives that you have come across.

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