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Photo by TheDigitalArtist. The BFD.



At the Wellington protest that was forcibly ended by the Labour Government and its enablers on Wednesday, there were a variety of voices. Some people were there because they were against mask or vaccine mandates. Others were there because they had lost their jobs or their businesses. Some were there because they believe vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Some because even though they believe vaccines work and are safe they also believe that it should be up to the individual, not the government to decide whether or not a person gets vaccinated.

Your Body My Choice. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Instead of addressing the variety of reasons and concerns, Jacinda Ardern decided to focus exclusively on just one thing and ‘blame’ the protest on just one thing – “disinformation”.

This is chilling.

By blaming the protest on disinformation, Ardern has laid the ground work for new legislation. This new legislation will define what disinformation is and provide penalties for those found to have spread disinformation. Mechanisms will be put in place to allow reporting of disinformation.

The definition of disinformation will be as vague as possible in order to create a large net.

An authority will be set up to hear and decide on reports of so-called disinformation. This authority will claim to be independent but a careful look at its members will show this to be far from the case.

Penalties are unlikely to be criminal penalties, as for criminal charges to stick it must be shown that the defendant knowingly published disinformation. Instead the penalties are likely to be shut-down orders and draconian fines.

This will naturally create an army of snitches. Social media posts will be monitored for any “disinformation”. Posters will find themselves having to pay heavy fines for merely posting throw-away comments, as Karens report posters to the government using the new legislation.

Snitch in time. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

It will have a damning effect on every blog, every alt-news site, every non-mainstream media outlet. Blog administrators will need to check every post and every comment for anything that someone could report as “disinformation” and could possibly have the blog shut down, even if temporarily while it is determined whether not what was published is in fact disinformation.

Small blogs which are on the wrong side and do not have means to defend themselves will be forced to shut down or become propaganda outlets for the government.

Even large blogs will not be immune. Large blogs will have to be able to endure shut-down periods, payments of heavy fines, and have the means to be able to always defend themselves.

And all in the name of “stopping” Covid.

That’s why sites like The BFD need your support more than ever and the best way to give your support is to subscribe.

Make no mistake. The endgame here is state control of all information.

Please share this post as widely as you can. Only by exposing this government do we have any chance of winning.

The government has taken away our guns and is now going to take away our voices unless we do something now.
