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Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Of all the silly speech affectations of the past few decades (it’s an inexplicable modern phenomenon) probably nothing is as bad as “window of opportunity”. In recent years this frequently has been shortened to just “window”.

I’ve yet to read it when it hasn’t been 100% superfluous.

The New Zealand Herald, writing of progress on a Wellington region motorway, quotes something called Waka Kotahi, presumably named after the pre-European maori road building organisation, something I was hitherto unaware about, quotes Waka Kotahi’s Transport Services General Manager, Brett Gliddon.

There’s another example of my point. General Manager would have been sufficient without the added verbiage.

Brett reassured the Herald journalist on the completion date saying, “these assurances were made in spite of the short window of time remaining…”

What was wrong with “the short time remaining?” How did including bloody window add anything.

If the project does exceed its scheduled delivery date, the single cause could be the time wasted by Brett in talking gibberish when giving instructions.

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