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Simon Bridges Is the Problem, Not the Solution

The media are engaging in trying to make news again. Fake news at that. They must protect the ‘Princess of the Pestilence’, Jacinda Ardern, at all costs. So they’ve created a false narrative that Judith Collins is at risk of a coup.

As is usual it is all based on rumour, whispers and innuendo from faceless cowards.

But the one who is doing the destabilising is also the one conducting the whispering campaign. Simon Bridges.

Here’s all the proof you need, from the mouth of one of those doing the agitating:

I think the winner will be first-time MP and former Air New Zealand boss Chris Luxon. He’s kept his head down but is content with the leadership talk.

Luxon has apparently teamed up with former leader Simon Bridges, who may well be his deputy and finance spokesperson – a job he wants.

Is Bridges keen? You bet – he has little love for Collins, and as he walked from The AM Show studio recently he said to me: “I’ll give her as much support as she gave me as the leader.”


Coincidentally, that was the same week that Tova O’Brien breathlessly reported, falsely it turned out, that Collins’s position on fluoride was different to Caucus’s and that they had rolled over her.

Some material details were dead set wrong in Tova O’Brien’s fake news reveal. Coincidentally it was Simon Bridges who was absent from that caucus meeting.

Occam’s Razor says that one plus one does indeed equal two.

Simon Bridges fed the media, and he was absent from caucus when fluoride was discussed.

The media have then gleefully used the false narrative to start a destabilisation campaign suggesting that Bridges and Luxon have teamed up to try and roll Judith Collins. Why would Luxon align himself with Bridges? Two fundamental Christians with a God complex?

Why this sneaky and shallow campaign reminds everyone what life was like in National’s caucus under Bridges, is because back then they smeared another party as the leaker and fed that to the media too. I know this is the case because over the weekend I fielded calls from media asking me my opinion if this person could indeed be the leaker. Well, they picked the wrong person to smear, because this person dislikes anything Luxon, a happy hand-clapper hypocrite who claims to be a Christian, says or does, as they are very liberal and Luxon is very conservative.

To the credit of that MP, they promptly disavowed any knowledge of the leak and declared their position to the leadership.

So, let’s look at who is in this cabal of dickheads trying to destabilise the National party.

There is Simon Bridges, Christopher Luxon and Bridges’ loyal but stupid hanger-on, Paul Goldsmith, and the even stupider Mark Mitchell. That’s it.

Caucus remembers the culture of fear that Bridges fostered. Some also remember that it was him and his toxic deputy who drove a man nearly to suicide when they were offered other options to resolve the issue.

There are other people, myself included, who have recordings of conversations with Simon Bridges, that if they ever saw the light of day would reflect rather poorly on his callous treatment of an MP who was clearly suffering a mental health episode.

Simon Bridges is the problem, not the solution. Caucus would do well to reflect on all the times under his leadership when members were threatened with a media hit job if they didn’t toe the line.

The little cabal coalescing around the toxic legacy of Simon Bridges should just bugger off. The politics of divide and rule in National’s caucus is over and they need to realise that.

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