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Simon, For the Love of God, Just Go

Simon Bridges appears intent on emulating the political death of David Cunliffe as he lurches towards an ignominious end.

Newshub delivered him a solid kick to the nuts last night, again:

National MPs have told Newshub the numbers are being done to roll Simon Bridges, with one of them – David Bennett – even putting it in writing, telling a constituent “we’re working on it”.

Another MP told Newshub there will be a vote of no confidence at next Tuesday’s National Party caucus meeting, and new details from the Newshub-Reid Research Poll reveal the public’s verdict on Bridges is just as damning.

Newshub’s poll asked voters to describe their political leaders in a single word.

… the feedback on Simon Bridges was not so positive.

‘Idiot’ topped the chart, followed by ‘don’t know’, ‘average’, ‘good’, ‘annoying’, ‘weak’, ‘useless’, ‘unsure’ and ‘disappointing’.

Sadly those are all true.

However, it seems Bridges is intent on destruction, which just goes to show that another word needs to be added to the list – selfish.

Meanwhile the Catholic brotherhood is rolling in behind Todd Muller who has received an endorsement from political traitor Jim Bolger.

Bolger says Muller has the numbers. Apart from the fact that no one has heard of him, the caucus really needs to ask themselves just one question…Can they name any Western PM or President elected since 1990 who is bald?

With Murray McCully, Michelle Boag and now Jim Bolger backing him it shows that some in National have no idea and deserve everything that comes their way if they select him to be their leader.

Without declaring her conflict of interest in the matter, Boag was opining on NewstalkZB that Simon Bridges was toast. Just in case National’s caucus thinks her endorsement is a good idea, I’ll remind them of this utter stupidity from the most cancerous woman in New Zealand politics:

Here’s what some other National MPs told Newshub on Tuesday – all different MPs and none of them Bennett.

“He’ll be destroyed in the election campaign”

“There’s no way he can survive… There’s definitely going to be a vote of no confidence on Tuesday”

“When Simon speaks the public puts on the metaphorical mute button”

“It’s time to move”

MPs were also unimpressed at Bridges’ dig at the Prime Minister on Monday for dying [sic] her hair when he only got a haircut. He told Newshub, “Well, there’s no hair dye – just saying.”

A couple of MPs defined it as “Terrible, worse than the poll” and “Unfathomable”.

The only person who thinks Simon Bridges is still viable as leader is his wife Natalie, who must have had Simon standing in front of the mirror repeating these words. “I’m the leader and I’m staying”.

Bridges needs to go away and look for his dignity. The way he is heading he will end up as Nigel No Mates and an end to his career permanently.

True battlers know when a battle is lost and they live to fight another day. If he resigns and cuts a deal he will achieve that. If he fights he will be destroyed by the very people he promoted to stop this sort of thing happening.

He should make his leaving his choice rather than fight and end up a bloody corpse in the political gutter.

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