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Sitting on Their Hands While Rapists and Murderers Go Free

Foreign criminals react to the High Court ruling. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I recently spotted a meme depicting a boatload of “migrants” saying, “We demand to live in safety” — with the rebuttal, “So do — now, f- off!” In memo veritas, indeed.

As many parts of Europe are discovering the hard way, “refugees welcome” fast turns into “lock up your women and children”. The vibrant multicultural experience has hit Australia in a big way, too. Mostly, thanks to left-wing activists, crusading lawyers, and Labor and the Greens.

The Albanese government appears determined to outdo them all.

Anthony Albanese has been ­accused of putting the public at risk amid revelations his government is yet to seek orders to lock up any of the dozens of ­foreign murderers, rapists or ­violent thugs freed into the community following a High Court ruling last year.

It was revealed on Monday that seven murderers and 37 sex offenders – including pedophiles – were among the 149 immigration detainees who were released. Twenty-four of those freed have since reoffended, while 36 have been exempted from wearing ankle bracelets.

The government’s failure to use its legislation to secure preventive detention orders for any of the released criminals comes ­despite the formation of a taskforce of 20 home affairs lawyers more than two months ago to prepare the applications.

Having turned hundreds of very bad wogs loose on Australians, Albo and his henchmen seem perfectly content to leave them free to run amok.

Department of Home Affairs general counsel Clare Sharp told a Senate estimates hearing on ­Monday: “We have not filed an application yet.”

Labor definitely doesn’t want to be held to account.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles refused to ­provide further details on the ­released ­detainees in parliamentary question time.

Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson demanded ongoing updates on the matter, saying the Coalition should not have to “drag this information” out of the government […]

Mr Giles dodged repeated questions in parliament on Monday on whether those detainees who were ­not required to wear ankle bracelets had committed crimes since their release.

He also refused to say whether those convicted of murder or sex offences in the cohort were wearing the monitoring devices, saying their management was the responsibility of a Home Affairs-led community safety board.

Border Force officials told the Senate estimates hearing that the community detention board had not met for nearly three weeks.

At least twenty-four of the freed foreign thugs have since been caught re-offending, including a convicted paedophile arrested for messaging a girl who claimed to be a minor. Others still at large include a hitman who murdered a pregnant woman and disposed of her body by blowing it up with military explosives.

Just the sort of diverse, multicultural experience the left wants to bring to Australia!

Alison Battisson, the director principal of pro-bono human rights law firm Human Rights For All, said […] “They have all done their time and there is nowhere else for them to go. So what sort of society do we want to live in, when we can keep someone way past their criminal imprisonment sentence?”

Umm… a safe one?

Tony Kerin, from the Australian Lawyers Alliance, said the details would do nothing to slow the pace of compensation claims likely to stem from the High Court’s decision.

The Australian

If the Human Rights Commission’s record is anything to go by — former HRC commissioner Gillian Triggs, who it should surprise no one now works for the thoroughly discredited UN, once recommended six-figure compensation for a “refugee” who beat his pregnant wife to death with a bicycle. These foreign scumbags will soon be rolling Australian taxpayers’ money.
