As a wave of electoral revolt against the Long March left sweeps the Western world, Anthony Albanese’s Labor are fast shaping up as only the second-ever one-term government in Australian history. Labor’s polling is dire in nearly every state, including its usual strongholds of NSW and Victoria.
Naturally, Labor’s tactics are turning ugly – and personal.
Anthony Albanese has been forced to order a highly personal attack against Peter Dutton and his wife be scrubbed from the Victorian ALP’s social media accounts.
The Prime Minister’s intervention came after Mr Dutton called on Mr Albanese and Labor to show his family respect and avoid an election campaign dominated by personal attacks, after the Victorian ALP targeted him and Kirilly Dutton in a “gutter politics” social media post […]
The post was taken down from the Victorian Labor Party’s social media feed less than an hour after Mr Dutton’s statement.
Cue the losing-by-explaining from the grubs in Victorian Labor.
Victorian ALP secretary Steve Staikos defended the post, declaring it was “not a personal attack at all”.
“It’s supposed to be a comedic meme,” Mr Staikos said.
That personally attacked the opposition leader and his wife. These people really are grimy guttersnipes.
Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson, a senator from Victoria, described the post as “grubby gutter politics from a desperate government slipping in the polls”.
“We all know Labor’s plan for the election next year is negative personal attacks on Peter Dutton; this is just a preview,” Senator Paterson said. “When you run out of ideas to tackle the cost of living and have no second-term agenda, that’s all that is left.”
Well, that and yet another re-run of the tired “Mediscare” lies.
Jim Chalmers has paved the way for a new year Mediscare campaign, declaring Peter Dutton would undermine the national health insurance scheme and push down wages, as the Treasurer spruiked $5bn of Labor welfare and wage increases coming into force on January 1 […]
a day after telling the Australian that he wanted voters to be optimistic about the future, Dr Chalmers on Monday repeatedly claimed the opposition would dismantle Medicare should it win office.
They really are desperate. “Mediscare” was a blatant lie when Labor first tried it on, in 2019. But it was a lie that worked with their low-information voter base and nearly overcame then-leader Bill Shorten’s ‘ick factor’ to almost cost the coalition government.
It was an even more obvious lie when Labor re-ran it in 2022, but the Morrison government was so unpopular that it made no difference either way.
Clearly lacking anything else to save their sorry hides in 2025, Labor are obviously prepared to throw anything and hope it sticks.
And well might they be worried.
Labor’s primary vote has fallen to a new low of 30 per cent in Victoria. This represents a three-point fall over the past three sample periods. Labor’s Victorian primary vote is now lower than the 32 per cent support it has in NSW and only a point higher than its primary vote of 29 per cent in Queensland.
At the same time, the Coalition’s primary vote has lifted from 36 to 39 per cent over the same period in Victoria.
Labor is losing almost the entire eastern seaboard, where the vast majority of Australians live. To put it into perspective, imagine the Democrats in the US losing New York and California.
Labor has also lost its edge with women voters. Both genders are now split 50-50 on the two major parties for the first time, exposing a myth that the Coalition continues to have a problem with women.
In case Labor were still prepared to sell their souls to the vile, anti-Semitic Greens, that horse is dying in a ditch, too.
Significantly, the Greens have fallen two points to 10 per cent in the largest state, representing one of their lowest levels of support in the country outside South Australia where support is at 9 per cent.
Prepare for a whole lot more ugliness from Labor over the next six months.