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Snip Bits: Parliament Questions & Answers – Sept 17


I was reading through Hansard yesterday and I noted Simon Bridges and the PM getting snippy with each other during Oral questions and it occurred to me that it might be fun to start a (possibly) regular series called Snip Bits where I reproduce only the snippy bits of interactions in parliament.

With that in mind here is my first attempt for your enjoyment and entertainment. I take zero responsibility for any of these snip bits resembling interactions between children in a kindergarten.

Hon Simon Bridges: Was growth running at 3.7 percent when she became Prime Minister, and is it now 2.5 percent?

Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Again, of course, the member will recognise that that is not an accurate reflection of the long-run average under his Government, which I believe was closer to 2.1 percent. Of course, New Zealand is experiencing the same changes in growth forecasts here that other countries are experiencing. In fact, I recognise that Australia in particular is seeing annual rates now, I believe, around 1.4 percent. We are performing well in comparison to others.

Hon Simon Bridges: Was that a yes or a no?

SPEAKER: Order! Order! […] [Interruption] The member wants to know what it was? “Be a good little boy.”

Hon Simon Bridges: How much responsibility does she accept for current petrol prices at the pump?

Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: If the member thinks that this Government is responsible for oil prices being impacted by a drone strike in Saudi Arabia, his belief in our powers is extreme.

Hon Simon Bridges: Is the 24c her Government is increasing excise tax by this term the largest reason for increases in petrol prices in the last two years?

Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: I reject the premise of that question.

Hon Simon Bridges: When will she deliver on her commitment to build either a second fuel pipeline or more petrol storage at Wiri?

Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: I relish in the opportunity to comment on the report that was released today looking into what happened just before the election to security of supply. Members will remember that we of course had planes grounded by the fact that a fuel pipeline was damaged—

Hon Simon Bridges: Answer the question.


Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: —just before the election. It’s now been found—

Hon Simon Bridges: Answer the question.

Hon Paul Goldsmith: Which of his Government’s policies have contributed most to the slowdown in the New Zealand economy, from averaging 1.7 percent growth per person for the last five years of the National Government to around 0.7 percent now?

Hon GRANT ROBERTSON: I know the members opposite believe I have great powers, but I don’t think that the US-China trade dispute is something that I will take responsibility for in this House.

Hon Scott Simpson: Does he believe that the social costs of planting the entire Clutha catchment in permanent forestry, which will create no long-term local jobs, are an acceptable outcome of his freshwater policy?

Hon DAVID PARKER: That’s a ridiculous suggestion and we’re not proposing that.

Hon Member: Scaremongering.

Andrew Bayly: Why, after seven delays of a KiwiBuild recalibration, two years in office, a Cabinet paper seeking an allocation of $400 million—

ANDREW BAYLY: —can she not provide the House with the most basic detail of her progressive homeownership scheme?

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS: OK. We are committed to expanding homeownership opportunities for New Zealanders, and that is what we are delivering. We stand by our record that in our first term in Government, we have allocated $400 million and will be delivering a progressive homeownership scheme. That party, when in Government, promised 39,000 houses through the special housing areas; they delivered 3,100, only 100 of which were affordable. I’ll take our record over theirs any day of the week.
