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Prime Minister Ardern has made much of her trademark ‘kindness’, the regime has also promoted ‘kindness’ in slogans like ‘Be Kind’. The reality of ‘kindness’ is that it is a cruel hoax perpetrated on the citizens of New Zealand by an evil regime.

There are numerous cases to expose this, but two most recently are the case of Charlotte Bellis who made headlines around the world after the Taliban, yes the Taliban, showed more kindness than our own regime.

Now we have the case of a man who has had to go on a hunger strike in order to get this cruel regime to listen as he tries desperately to see his father for one last time:

Kurt Lehndorf has won – the nil-by-mouth striker is being released from managed isolation and is off to see his dying father.

Lehndorf’s managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) saga started when he returned from Australia five days ago but attempts to get leave to be with his dying father – just 38 kilometres to the north of his MIQ at Sudima Auckland Airport – had failed so he began a nil-by-mouth protest.

By 8am on Sunday, he had gone past 61 hours of no eating or drinking and said he was dizzy with a headache and nausea, and couldn’t get out of bed. He was furious with MIQ officials, who claimed earlier on Sunday that they were awaiting information from him, that he said he had already supplied.

At 11.20am on Monday he confirmed he had just signed an agreement with MIQ authorities that meant he could get home and self-isolate with his father and family. Stuff has seen the “compliance agreement for early release from managed isolation” form he was sent.

“We won,” he said, as he awaited a delivery of food, a coffee, and water. He did not believe he would have been released if it were not for media coverage.

Details of exactly when he would be let out were still to be decided but he was “delighted” all the same.


This screenshot is from Facebook the night before:


This is unspeakable evil from the regime. It also shows the complete insanity of the regimes ridiculous rules. We have over 1,700 active Covid cases in the community. To keep a double vaccinated person who has tested negative three times away and has also previously had Covid from his dying dad is cruel when the public health impact of letting him out is basically zero.

Why do we even have MiQ anyway, 95% of the population are double jabbed. It surely can’t be for anyone’s health. The remaining 5% either don’t want the vaccine or can’t have it. Why is MiQ even still a thing?

To make matters worse when MiQ restrictions are lifted, they remain for the unvaccinated. Why?

Because it isn’t about health, it is about control, and denying citizens from outside of the hermit kingdom access to their birth right. Control, not health.

That is just another example of the unspeakable evil of the Ardern regime. They’ve created a two-tier citizenship system that has branded the unvaccinated as disease carriers when that is nothing short of a lie. The regime has allowed active discrimination, segregation and divisiveness to fester and grow on their watch. None of it is even supported by any sensible health rationale.

Rational planning is absent. You’d think every life was sacred from the way the pandemic has been handled. But this is the same regime that allowed late-term abortions and hasn’t banned smoking and drinking or fatty and sugary foods which are all much more lethal killers than Covid ever was.

The sad reality is that it has never been about health. It has all been about control.

And that is what makes this regime truly evil.

They’ve lied to you about the dangers, they’ve prevented and banned proven treatment protocols,  banned fast and accurate testing systems, demonised doctors and other professionals who had differing opinions, hijacked and prostituted the media so they become propaganda mouthpieces for the regime, destroyed democracy, free speech and freedom of association, turned the Police into a despised and politicised jackbooted arm of the regime, denied New Zealand citizens free and unfettered access to their own country directly and illegally against the Bill of Rights…and all for what? To save a few Nanas and fat people from dying 6 months earlier than they would have already.

The silence of the left as our Bill of Rights was trampled under the jackboots of the regime is chilling. So too the utter silence of the Human Rights Commission. Their silence condemns them. It condemns them utterly as unfit for purpose.

This little country that used to be brave and strong has become fearful, nasty and divisive.

The architect of all the fear, the nastiness, the evil and the divisiveness is Jacinda Ardern, an incompetent raised way above her abilities by a hysteria whipped up by her regime and their paid lap-dogs in the media.

This pandemic has shown us that the very nasty undercurrent that exists in New Zealand isn’t that far below the surface and that the majority of Kiwis lack critical joined together thinking. They willingly embraced draconian segregation and divisiveness so they could get back to sipping their soy lattes.

I despise Ardern for what she has turned this country into. She has shown us, very clearly, that Labour and their nasty little socialist followers like nothing better than to boss people around.

Why do we even have a traffic light system when 95% of the population are fully vaccinated if for no other reason than to continue to boss people around and attempt to control them? MiQ is just another way of trying control people who are outside of New Zealand. It is all cruel, evil and ultimately unnecessary. If MiQ was fit for purpose then we’d never have had any cases in New Zealand after the border was shut. But we have had both Delta and now Omicron slip past their ridiculous and ultimately futile rules and regulations.

The vaccine passes and the divisiveness they brought in have similarly failed, how else are there places of interest that require vax passes if there isn’t a systemic failure of dopey systems that were never going to control a virus? Because it has never been about health, it has been about control, systems designed to coerce, cajole and blackmail you into taking a medicine that is a demonstrable failure. And you all fell for it.

The two cases highlighted above show how petty, small-minded and nasty the regime is. They deserve everything that is coming to them. It can’t come soon enough.

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