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Socialist Strategies Guaranteed to Cripple the Economy

Image credit The BFD.

Stuff applauds Jacinda Ardern and Joe Biden’s declaration of a climate change crisis while feigning, as Ardern and Biden do, their commitment to welcoming “diverse opinions” and practising “openness and transparency”.

They lie. Their minds are made up. They believe that man-made climate change will destroy the planet unless they intervene but instead, their destructive agenda destroys lives and livelihoods, and media really are not interested in debating facts.

In one sentence Stuff’s asks for diverse opinion and in the next claims its moderators are bound by the “overwhelming scientific consensus” on man-made climate change. Stuff provides no room for debate or discussion. Comments from readers of dissenting websites such as Watts Up with That, the OSS Foundation and NoTricksZone (with links to over 400 scientific papers published in 2020 affirming the position that there are significant limitations and uncertainties inherent in our understanding of climate and climate changes, emphasizing that climate science is not settled) will be censored.

Ardern’s failed pre-election promises, her claim of a “hard and early” Covid response; her promise that we were at the “top of the list” for vaccine, and her claim that we are protected by “secure MIQ” facilities”, are all lies. Only this week does one media outlet tentatively suggest an audit of our leaky quarantine facilities after Covid carriers have been let loose in the community regularly during the last year.

Biden is no better. His pre-election promise NOT to end fracking fell by the wayside as in one stroke of the pen he destroyed US oil and gas jobs.

Ardern and Biden have much in common.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy on the left. Image credit The BFD on the right.

“I look forward to building a close relationship with President Biden and working with him on issues that matter to both our countries,” Ardern said in a statement on Thursday.

“New Zealand and the United States have shared interests in addressing global challenges including climate change, the Covid-19 economic recovery, and the security, prosperity and sustainability of the Indo-Pacific and Pacific Island regions.

“We have a common investment in the international rules-based order and I welcome President Biden’s intentions for the US to re-join the Paris Agreement and halt its withdrawal from the World Health Organisation,” she said.”

Jacinda Ardern

Ardern accidentally lets us off the hook through her inability to live up to promises but Biden’s flurry of Executive Orders in his first week, if left unchallenged and executed, will decimate jobs and economic growth.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described herself as a social democrat. She served as President of the International Union of Socialist Youth in 2008, the same year she became a Minister in Parliament.

“Ardern and her comrades stated: ‘Redistribution will lead to more financial stability and justice. As IUSY we struggle for redistribution between the poor and the rich, because we believe in equality and justice… Human beings are born with unequal resources available. We as young socialists believe in a social democratic system which secures a redistribution of resources.”

Socialism is growing worldwide.

“A Gallup survey from 2019 has 51 percent of U.S. adults saying socialism would be a bad thing for the country, but a respectable 43 percent say it would be a good thing. Not since World War II have the socialist numbers been so high.”

Dinesh deSouza in his book Unites States of Socialistm: Who’s Behind it. Why it’s Evil. How to Stop it.

Dinesh deSouza says that it’s not that socialists don’t recognise the economic failure of previous socialism; they do, but they are captivated by utopia and blinded to the facts on the ground.

“… they have to believe in theoretical socialism because actual socialism never works. And actual socialism never works because it is “against human nature.

Since it is against human nature, all existing socialist regimes fail, and each generation of socialists has to hearken back to the dream and promise a new type of socialism different from all the types that came before.

In May last year, Dr Steve Elers, a senior lecturer in journalism at Massey University, talked about the importance of recognising the underlying philosophy that drives Ardern’s government.

“There is no doubt the mass unemployment and social disruption caused by the prime minister’s “go early, go hard” response to COVID-19 has created an environment conducive to radical economic and social reform. It is an opportunity no politician who has sworn an allegiance to a “social democratic system” would ignore.

…In the Forward to the Budget the prime minister indicates that her Government is planning a major ‘reset’ for the future:

“We began again knowing that we had the chance to reset some things and embrace any opportunity, albeit uninvited and unwelcome, offered to us by the disruption to business-as-usual that COVID-19 caused. And that is what Budget 2020 delivers.”

Otago Daily Times

In her Parliamentary address, the PM said, “Prior to the virus we faced serious long-term challenges – persistent inequality and poverty, the threat of climate change, the need to diversify the economy, low productivity, limited domestic manufacturing and an abundance of low paid jobs. Do we return to those settings or is now the time to find a better way?

She said her Government has a plan to “rebuild in a way that makes things better than they were before”.

Ardern thinks she can successfully implement socialist policies better than all the other failed 21st century socialist regimes in Russia, China, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil. China recovered only by implementing capitalism to stem its failing social policies.

But Ardern actually believes that she will succeed where her predecessors failed, and she is well down that track. Her 2020 Budget was described by business columnist Damien Grant as an “economic catastrophe”.

“The scale of the economic vandalism being unleashed on this country rivals that of Sir Robert Muldoon. This prime minister and her finance minister, in cahoots with a weak central bank governor, are destroying 36 years of prudent fiscal and monetary economic management.

“They do not understand economics. They do not understand business. Even more frightening, they do not understand the importance of the institutional legacy they have.”

Otago Daily Times

Jacinda Ardern is transforming New Zealand into a socialist state and, like every socialist before her, the process will destroy the economy. The tragedy is that most people are completely unaware that it is happening.

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