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Soros Gives $32 Million More For Censorship

(Photo by ChinaFotoPress/ChinaFotoPress via Getty Images)

Joseph Vazquez

Joseph is the MRC Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America. He graduated summa cum laude with a BA in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018.

Another assortment of groups funded with millions of dollars from liberal billionaire George Soros are adding to the number of groups demanding that Big Tech unleash a censorship Armageddon against so-called election “disinformation”.

The Washington Post elevated the Orwellian demands of at least 58 groups within the Change the Terms Coalition. The coalition, per the Post, threw a hissy fit at how Meta, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube were supposedly “just as ill-prepared to fight disinformation from politicians and other public figures whose public pronouncements about the 2022 midterms could undermine Americans’ faith in the electoral process or lead to violence.”

For its “#FixTheFeed” campaign, the coalition is “calling on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube to stop amplifying the worst content on their platforms.” What the Post didn’t mention is that at least 28 of the groups who signed on to be part of the coalition were heavily financed by Soros to the tune of $32,250,584 between 2016 and 2020 alone, according to an MRC business analysis.

Six of the seven groups responsible for leading the Change the Terms coalition policies were funded with $13,150,000 collectively from Soros: Center for American Progress, Color of Change, Free Press, Muslim Advocates, National Hispanic Media Coalition and the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Soros-funded Free Press, in particular, released a report on behalf of Change the Terms that compared the coalition’s demands with Big Tech’s current policies against curbing election “disinformation”. The Post summarized that the report contested whether tech platforms “are living up to their pledges to fight disinformation ahead of the vote”.

The document, headlined “Empty Promises,” read like a Ministry of Truth nightmare out of George Orwell’s 1984:

Election misinformation and disinformation are not anecdotal or seasonal. Lies – particularly the brand of election-denialism rhetoric that rose in 2020 – have been ubiquitous online for years, and this crisis has no end in sight. To treat ‘election-related’ disinformation in particular as episodic ignores that it is present year-round and shapes beliefs and opinions that lead to harassment of election officials, and election-related hoaxes and violence.
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Free Press is the same group that was once ripped apart by Federal Communications Commission commissioner Brendan Carr for including a violent, hate-filled comment in its leftist petition for the agency to investigate its “history of racism”. The comment questioned whether Republicans should be shot “to reclaim our democracy”. Free Press issued a statement following the backlash acknowledging “that some violent and inappropriate language was included in the comments” of its petition. The group reportedly “withdrew the petition” after Carr denounced it.

Racially charged Change the Terms leader Color of Change is the same group that pushed a 2020 Marxist effort to defund police foundations. The group bills itself as the “nation’s largest online racial justice organization”. The PAC for Color of Change was also recently behind an anti-police effort called “Cut Ties With The [Fraternal Order of Police] FOP”. FOP is self-described as “the voice of our nation’s law enforcement officers”. Color of Change PAC said that the order was “the deadliest frat in the world”. Another Change the Terms member, Center for American Progress, was founded by none other than scandal-plagued former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

The extremist Southern Poverty Law Center, which is notorious for its “hate map” that smears conservative and faith-based organizations as hate groups, is another Soros-funded group that helped draft Change the Terms’ policies.

This is not the only censorship effort Soros-funded groups are leading. The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR) spearheaded an Oct. 13 open letter signed by 11 other liberal groups pining for Big Tech companies to “[t]ake immediate steps to curb the spread of voting disinformation in the midterms and future elections and to help prevent the undermining of our democracy”. Soros funded LCCHR, in addition to six of the 12 signatories, with $30,325,500 between 2016 and 2020.

One thing is clear: Soros-funded groups are determined to ensure that free speech is not a factor in determining the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.
