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Sorry, Tova, It’s Not a Leaked Document No Matter How Hard You Spin It

If you need proof that media are untrustworthy, capricious and inherently dishonest, then you need look no further than yesterday’s “leaked” documents non-story from Tova O’Brien:

The gushing Tova O’Brien was live on morning television breathlessly exclaiming that National had leaked again…except they hadn’t.

The document she claims was leaked was actually a discussion document sent to the tens of thousands of members of the National Party in an overnight email. Something leader Judith Collins pointed out to Tova O’Brien on Twitter:

And the document yesterday morning was quite literally on National’s website in full public view. So, “leaked”, I think not.

Now, some people are up in arms about the discussion document, thinking National has gone more woke as if the discussion document is actuality. It is a discussion document…you know…to discuss ahead of regional conferences and then the national conference.

Members will be able to have their say on it, and if the party I know is still around, there will be robust debate and the members will likely accept some changes and discard others.

Some of the proposed constitutional changes, such as embedding the Treaty into the constitution, have zero chance of being implemented…but at least the members will have a say.

Some proposals, like removing Regional Chairs from the board, are very good. Regional Chair positions are managerial, whereas Board positions are governance positions. The two don’t mix well, nor should they.

The proposal for term limits on board members is long overdue. Some board members, like Peter Goodfellow, who has presided over two election losses as president, need to go. There was a time when a losing president fell on their sword immediately after an election loss. It was the right thing to do, not seek re-election, which is just shameless.

The calls for “diversity” from members of the media are rather hollow when you see just how non-diverse and very pale the Parliamentary Press Gallery is:

Parliamentary Press Gallery

So Tova O’Brien has shown yet again that she is prepared to mislead the public, to be utterly disingenuous with the truth, and to bad mouth anything National does even when it is actually good news that they are consulting their members.

No wonder trust in media has fallen so dramatically, coinciding with the millions of taxpayer dollars the government has paid for the media to become their tamed mouthpieces and lickspittles.

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