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Stan ‘Tan’ Grant Enforces the Narrative

All that time on the tanning bed has addled his brains. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There are a couple of people I follow on Facebook whom I regard as barometers of “What the Karens are thinking”. They’re all very middle-class, middle-aged white women, who all read The Secret, post a stream of photos of what they’re eating and drinking in chic cafes, and post endless nauseating memes about being a “Babe In Total Control of Herself”. They only break from posting quotes from Rumi and the Dalai Lama in order to shriek like parrots whatever the mainstream media talking-points of the day may be.

Usually, it’s bitchy gossip about The Bachelor or MAFS, but if the media are telling them to hate Novak Djokovic, for instance, you better bet they’ll spend days screeching the Narrative. Naturally, they’re all gushing about “brave” Vlodomyr Zelensky and “evil” Vladimir Putin.

And, absolutely and positively, they’re glued to QandA. No doubt they were tweeting up a storm over (s)Tan Grant’s resolute refusal to even countenance a different opinion on the Middle-Class Marxist gabfest.

A Q+A audience member has responded after ABC host Stan Grant has ejected him from the audience in a sensational blow up over the Ukraine conflict.

The Australian

Remember, this is a program which paid for the taxi fares of a convicted terrorist, so he could ambush a conservative politician live on the show. The hosts have sat by while feminists advocated “killing all men”, and Aboriginal activists incited people to “Let’s burn stuff”.

But suggesting that there may be another side to the Ukraine story other than the constant hooting of propaganda is obviously too much for our taxpayer-funded Leftists.

Mr Gillies-Leakakis asked the panel hosts: “As someone who comes from the Russian community here in Australia, I’ve been pretty outraged by the narrative depicted by our media, with Ukraine as the good guy and Russia as the bad guy.

“Believe it or not, there are a lot of Russians here and around the world that support what Putin’s doing in Ukraine, myself included.”

He went on to claim Ukraine had “besieged” the Russian populations in Donetsk and Luhansk and killed about 13,000 people, before audience members began to heckle him, with calls of “that’s a lie”, “don’t do this” and “propaganda”.

Cue literal shaking from the luvvies.

Grant eventually decided to take action, booting the questioner in emotional scenes.

“Something has been bothering me … people here have been talking about family who are suffering and people who are dying. Can I just say – I’m just not comfortable with you being here. Could you please leave?,” Grant said.

Yet, Grant actually had the gall to claim that he believes in free speech.

“We come here in good faith to have open conversation, rigorous conversation. We’ve heard different points of view, and we encourage different points of view here,” he said.

The Australian

The only difference the ABC tolerates is the difference between left, far-left, and drooling-unhinged-communist left.

Grant also allegedly lied through his teeth to defend his censoriousness, claiming “It was not a vetted question. It was a rogue question”.

According to Sasha Gillies-Leakakis, that’s a blatant lie.

Stan Grant made the claim that my question was ‘unvetted’. I would like to state that this simply is not true. I submitted my question to the QandA team via their online submission portal, was told to edit my question via email, and then once again in the studio, shortly before the program began. The only addition I made to my question when actually delivering it was my reference to the Azhov Battalion (7-8 words roughly), and some sentences were left out towards the end as I was interrupted.


Now, Gillies-Leakakis may or may not be wrong about the scale of anti-Russian killings in the Ukraine, but only a fool or a liar would deny that neo-Nazi, anti-Russian militias like the Azov Battalion exists, and that it is in fact a regiment of Ukraine’s National Guard. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented the Ukrainian force’s involvement in war crimes, mass looting, rape and torture.

But you obviously won’t hear that from our taxpayer-funded media.

Not if Tan Grant has any say in it.
