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stiff cheese

Nothing sheets home the Cost of Living Crisis more than the rising price of a block of cheese. A block of Tasty cheese is now more than $21 at the supermarket. Our Aussie cousins, however, can buy the same brand for less than half that.

A 1kg block of Mainland aged cheddar tasty cheese has been selling for $21.50 at Countdown, as overall cheese prices are up 27% year-on-year compared with March 2021.

The Countdown price for tasty cheese on Monday was more than $4 higher than a year ago – although on Wednesday its online price had dropped to $20.

The price of the same cheese was $16.99 in Pak’n Save in Invercargill.

Nikhil Sawant, Countdown’s head of perishables, said there was significant pressure on the price of cheese in New Zealand.

“We have already received two cost increases this year on cheese which is a direct result of the record prices that farmers are getting for dairy at the moment. [There is] incredibly strong international demand for New Zealand dairy,” Sawant said.

The price of local dairy products is linked to export prices.


Sounds like bull dust to me. Our irascible Aussie correspondent, Lushington D Brady, reports that the same brand of cheese is half the price in Aussie supermarkets. If the price locally is linked to export prices then how come Aussies can buy our cheese for less than we can? It doesn’t add up.

We are being fleeced. How on earth can our own cheese be twice the price here that it is overseas? Rapacious gougers in the supermarkets is how. Stiff cheese for the consumers.

Additional cost pressures such as fuel, labour, fertiliser and animal feed were all affecting the cost of producing cheese and other food at the moment, Sawant said.

“The reality is that we can’t absorb all the cost increases we are seeing right now and this is being reflected in our on-shelf pricing,” Sawant said.

And stiff cheese for the government.

Now let’s see, who is responsible for higher fuel prices? Oh that’s right, the government, by increasing taxes and climate change idiocy, and that’s going to get worse from tomorrow.

Oh, and look, labour costs are up too. That’ll be the raising of the minimum wage and the knock-on effect of that. Again, it’s the government that is responsible for that.

I can’t wait to see the next inflation figures. They will be eye-watering and will make the inflation that Rob Muldoon caused seem positively rosy by comparison.

The cost of living is going to end this government. I’ll bet you a dollar to a knob of goat poo that the post-budget polling will show that no one cares about climate change and they’d rather have cost-effective toasted cheese sammies than pay hard-earned cash to the third world on the scam that is climate change.

It seems the government is hell-bent on impoverishing us all. Then again why are we surprised, they are socialists after all.

What Grant Robertson is going to find out, sooner rather than later, is that the accounting lessons he learned on the knee of his fraudster father won’t work for him either. The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend.

This is great news though, because Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson have all but assured us an electorate soundly rejecting their socialist spendthrift ways for at least a generation.

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