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brown rooster
Photo by Mickaela Scarpedis-Casper. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The offbeat news report of a 200 strong flock of leghorn chickens running wild in Auckland’s Titirangi amused me. The problem is their non-stop crapping, otherwise, they have novelty visual appeal. Pigeons, doves, ducks etc never stop pooing. The old saying “shitting in your nest” stems from this fact and is literally true. My mirth at this oddball news item was compounded by Stuff’s reporting of it.

They described Titirangi residences as being “terrorised” by these birds. Terrorised? Have there been fatalities, small children pecked to death, babies eaten or whatever, to justify use of “terror”, described by the OED as “extreme fear”.

brown rooster
Is this a killer chicken? Photo by Mickaela Scarpedis-Casper. The BFD.

Is there potential to exploit this situation with dangerous wild-life safari tours, escorted by armed guides to inspect this new species of killer chickens?

God, I’ll miss Stuff when it’s gone.

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