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Stupid Media Hit Job Fails Spectacularly


As we all know Jacinda Ardern’s boyfriend and lately fiance has not stayed out of the public eye and has personally benefited career-wise from his connection to the PM. At her recent Labour Party election launch, he even acted as the MC.

On Twitter, he has gone into bat for her and he has been the most visible PM partner in the history of PM’s partners. The MSM have loved and encouraged his participation turning his posts on social media into news stories.

He is not even her husband yet he has been praised and his inane utterances have been celebrated and promoted by a slobbering left-wing media.

National leader Judith Collins is not the PM yet but already her husband of 41 years has had the Media attempt a hit job on him for daring to use social media to share some funny political memes.

Most of the memes were first posted on the National Party’s Meme Working Group Facebook page and later shared by Wong-Tung. That page is not officially associated with the National Party, but shares National aligned jokes. One was watermarked by BFD

Oh my God! The humanity! He has a sense of humour.

Judith Collins poured the reporters back into their bottles leaving them in no doubt that she is married to an Alpha male, a real bloke, a man’s man and not one of those almond milking Beta males that do as they are told.

“ […] he’s an adult, he makes his own decisions I think he gets sick of people having a go at him and me.”
“He’s one of the least sexist men I know, he’s married to me, how could he be sexist?” Collins said.
“He’s an adult, he’ll make his own decisions and let’s put it this way, I don’t have to answer for him because I haven’t been able to control him in 41 years.
“If you’ve got the secret to how you control a man who is 64 years old, used to play a lot of rugby and was a policeman, good luck and let me know,” she said.
