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Success Recipe: Forget Sage, Take Thyme

Two pieces of good news in one morning! Could it be possible that there is some thinking going on inside the CoL?

The Taxpayers Union has successfully convinced the Government to put a stop to paying the Clintons via their shonky foundations.  Hurrah! Not before time and the Nats should be ashamed that they ever agreed to fork over our cash to anything to do with the Clintons.

The second piece of good news is that Roberston and Parker have overturned Sage’s stupid decision to kill off jobs in Waihi. As a Waihi-adjacent resident (about as close as Ardern is youth-adjacent), this is great news for the area.

Clearly, there were those in government who thought Sage was completely wrong, so when Oceana Gold began the judicial review process, the government asked Oceana Gold to apply again, pushed it upstairs to Robbo and Parker and left Sage on the bench.

Good things take time.

Hosking nails it, as usual.

Praise the lord – there is some light, it’s not all run by Luddites and composters.

Oceania Gold has won what was an egregious battle with the Government, or namely Land Information Minister Eugenie Sage.

They wanted to purchase land in Waihi for tailing ponds for their gold mining operations. They were initially turned down by Sage and Associate Finance Minister David Clark.

Not because Clark didn’t see the benefits. Because he did, everyone did. There is investment, jobs and growth, and it’s regional New Zealand.

And no one, no one short of course of Sage and her mad green mates, failed to see the irony in a Government that’s put aside $3 billion to turbo-charge regional New Zealand, while at the same time trying to squash regional New Zealand when a good bit of local enterprise wants to invest, expand, and employ people.

She turned down the application and because it was a split decision, she won, which in and of itself is the maddest system you’ve ever heard of. Why does one beat the other? Why does her vote outvote the other?

Anyway the more sensible heads in the Government clearly saw the madness and danger in all of this, so when Oceania Gold went for an appeal, it ended up on the desks of Finance Minister Grant Robertson and David Parker.

Both you will note are from the Labour Party, and both you will note have an overarching brief on business. And as good sense would have it, Oceania Gold get the go-ahead and Waihi, and the region, get the benefits.

This, of course, exposes Sage badly because that’s now a 3-1 vote. Or it’s Labour versus the Greens. Take your pick. […]

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