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Systemic Bias at the NZ Herald

The BFD. Newspapers of New Zealand

John Rofe

I have never seen such biased reporting. In the NZ Herald Saturday 31st October 2020 edition I would be spoiled for choice as to which article was most biased. Similarly the Herald on Sunday edition that followed it.

Let me suppose I was an American supporter of President Trump. I would be aghast at the way reporters belittle both the President and his supporters.  By the continual and persistent referral to his support base as if all were ignorant “red necks” they belittle about 50% of the American public.

The turnout for Trump by Black and Latino voters already shows their understanding of his even-handed approach to government. I know the NZ Herald only takes news feeds from Democrat-aligned foreign media outlets but Liam Dann’s presumption that he could sit in judgement on everyone voting for Trump and Trump himself was a disgrace to journalism.

Surely he and the Herald’s other reporters are aware of what it is that Trump actually stands for?  When Donald Trump was a young man, he was interviewed on a TV talk show and was asked if he would consider running for office, He explained then the reasons why he would not do so and the only reasons that would drive him to put his name forward.

He is as consistent to the principles he espoused then, as the ones he campaigned on in 2016 and his support base believes he has delivered.

My complaint with the Herald specifically is that:

1.  They have an obligation to provide media balance.

2.  They have an obligation to fact check articles.

3.  They have an obligation to avoid deliberate puff-pieces lacking a foundation on controversial subjects and to provide competent educational material regarding subjects of the day.

4.  They have an obligation to hold those in power to account.

On the subject of climate change, there is empirical scientific evidence that the UN IPCC sponsored climate fraud is detrimental to the people of New Zealand yet the Herald deliberately ignores the fact that Russia, China and others agree with that evidence and are preparing for a cooling climate.

Trump stands against the climate fraud and is regularly abused by the NZ Herald as a “climate change denier” for doing so.

When faced with the fact that peace has come to sections of the Middle East through the efforts of the Trump team and he has brought US troops home the NZ Herald have either ignored or pooh-poohed the Trump administration’s efforts.

When faced with knowledge of the Biden family’s participation in international graft, the NZ Herald joined with their overseas correspondents to suppress the information for 16 days until it is now too late to shape anyone’s electoral deliberations.

Trump stood against this kind of graft — the Biden family’s escapades with Burisma (Ukraine), Chinese and Russian “pay for play” fraud — yet the NZ Herald enthusiastically supported his impeachment.

Their reporters remain in denial of the fact that they were attacking the innocent party in order to protect the guilty. Their reporting of the impeachment hearings in both the US House of Representatives and Senate were both biased against the facts on a daily basis and were totally inaccurate.  I can say this absolutely because I viewed every session on a daily basis. The NZ Herald simply took partisan feeds from Trump’s adversaries without doing any checking.

Their mean-spirited belittlement of Mr Liddell for his successful work in the Trump White House administration was disgraceful. They belittled a prominent New Zealander for no good reason.

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