So, Why Is the ‘Green Economy’ Suddenly in Retreat?
There’s no doubt that the Green economy is in retreat, but the question is why?
There’s no doubt that the Green economy is in retreat, but the question is why?
The solar daytime glut, negative prices, and community hatred of high-voltage lines is spoiling the market for developers. And not a day too soon...
Corporate wokesters admit that their “climate action” is virtue-signalling bullshit.
Harris is a product of the one-party state of California, who supported destructive policies on climate change, energy, crime and welfare that helped spark in California high fuel costs, declining living standards and a population exodus.
Mandating EVs and electricity generation from wind turbines and solar panels is mandating MORE USAGE of crude oil.
If we think power prices are crazy now, wait for offshore wind to strike.
The NYT is almost palpably disappointed to find the Maldives are still there – and growing.
Placing high costs on consumers based on unsettled science and unpredictable economic impacts is not a prudent policy approach.