The Christian Māori Monarchy
Christianity was at the foundation of both the New Zealand state and the King Movement.
Christianity was at the foundation of both the New Zealand state and the King Movement.
If national holidays are going to exist, and I’m not convinced they should, then the last thing they should do is celebrate everything that New Zealand isn’t.
Māori wards are not about Māori representation, they are about a stealthy creep for control of Council with the end game being control of New Zealand – a seditious Māori takeover.
The Greens might be with us physically but mentally they’re somewhere else.
Speaking about the Treaty Principles Bill at the hui-a-iwi in January, Tūheitia said, “There’s no principles, the Treaty is written. That’s it.” The coming weeks and months will test that.
The game ends when the players are so drunk that all racial hypersensitivity has been banished by the liberating power of liquor and, ironically, a sober view on ‘cultural offensiveness’ has been restored.
Don’t we all, Māori and non-Māori, want to be free and our property rights protected?
How the youth mental health crisis has been sucked into the culture wars.
The government imposes an obligation only to encourage Māori to participate in the decision-making process, which means they get a chance to vote like the rest of us.
St Peter’s Basilica may be ‘the most awe-inspiring man-made structure on Earth’.
On paper, we may be technically free. In reality, however, we are only as free as a government official may allow. Freedom, or what’s left of it, is being threatened from every direction.
If we’re being honest, the chances are good that their political leverage has already eroded beyond the point of return, which is why they sound so shrill.
Contemporary Aboriginal Australian culture is no older than any other.
From Fraser to Albanese, Australian governments are fatally addicted to dangerous virtue-signalling.