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Where Is the Kiwi Trump?

Where Is the Kiwi Trump?

Doing nothing solves nothing. It is hard to argue with David Seymour’s comment that National are afraid to address the hard issues. National might find out a lot are leaving the party for that reason. They are flying in the face of the majority of their supporters.

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Why Does Luxon Hate the Bill?

Why Does Luxon Hate the Bill?

I’m keen to go hard on this. If National don’t get how important this is to us they will keep trampling over us. Do you think it’s time to stop playing nice? I’m willing to call it what it is: weak leadership, cowardice and really, really dumb.

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10 Hīkoi I’d Like to See

10 Hīkoi I’d Like to See

The right to protest is a virtue of our political system and hīkoi are a peculiarly New Zealand variation. I’d just like to recommend that Māori, rather than wasting such efforts on a dead-on-arrival parliamentary bill, save it for things that really matter…   

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