Freedom of Association and Cancel Culture
The civil rights framework of rules based on ‘protected grounds’, such as race, sex, or religion, violates freedom of association in two ways.
Support What You Love or It Goes Away
Understand that this rule is still in force today. The state does not want you to ‘do’ anything too dangerous. It much prefers that you focus on gathering ‘knowledge’ – but only the right kind.
They Are Useful Idiots and Bloody Fools
The actions of the useful idiots cannot be excused by their blood or religious ties. They act out of ignorance or, worse, a mob mentality that abdicates moral or political decision-making to whatever will get them the most likes on social media.
On the News From Auckland University
The only surprise about the news from Auckland University is that it has taken them this long to create a compulsory Māori course.
The NZ Judiciary on Trial
NZ cannot afford to have activist judges effectively privatise our entire coastline to tribal interests to exploit for their own benefit. We would urge everyone concerned about the future of our coastline to send in a submission before the 15 October deadline.
Who Are We?
We must talk about the multicultural strategy of our political parties, because this census data is very important to them and their electoral policy.
On Being a New Zealander
The next time you’re watching the All Blacks haka, turn the sound off. Trust me, that will convert you instantly to my view.
Do You Think We Are Rocksteady?
This is what I mean by ‘things have changed’. They see the Treaty gravy train ending and have a plan to make even more money.
Housing Unaffordability
If the goal is to reduce new house prices then there’s a simple solution.
Mandatory Course for ALL Uni of Auckland students
At universities there should be no ‘sacred cows’' like this.
Are We Perfect as We Are?
Do some stigmas and shame have a place in society? Progressives say ‘no’; I say ‘yes’.