I’m Starting to Like Simeon
It’s clear that Simeon is promising to bring councils to heel and stop them wasting ratepayer money on bullshit.
It’s clear that Simeon is promising to bring councils to heel and stop them wasting ratepayer money on bullshit.
‘They have shown what extremist economic morons they are and how little they value the future of our country.’ – Peters.
Professor Kingham, a former chief science advisor to the Ministry of Transport, is widely known for promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.
They will fail to do what they were elected to do: they will achieve few reforms and drag out the economic pain caused by the previous Labour Government.
Health NZ say that since 2020 the service has been publicly funded to deliver up to 14 gender-affirming genital surgeries (either feminising or masculinising) per year.
Behind all the hot air from the PM and finance minister, National is running a bigger borrow-and-spend government than six years of Ardern and Robertson.
How the NZ Government’s Green Investment Fund turned itself into an unpleasant predatory lender and debt collection agency.
There are solutions. The way councils manage projects seems to be designed to make everything cost at least twice as much.
The government has been fiddling around the edges; the opposition are living in cloud cuckoo land as they moan about cuts.
Though the tide of sentiment is against manned aircraft, there is an argument favoring them.
The cost will continue to be passed to future generations and then future generations beyond that etc, until it blows up in everyone’s faces.