A Speech We Should Take Note Of
Richard Prebble takes a good hard look at Christopher Luxon’s speech to the National Party conference and finds there is much to admire.
Richard Prebble takes a good hard look at Christopher Luxon’s speech to the National Party conference and finds there is much to admire.
I’m constantly staggered by the mind-blowing ignorance of this demographic, notwithstanding their possession of university degrees.
This is exactly what you would do if you wanted to destroy a society from within.
Labour spokesperson only talking about 'if' Labour gets back in as they oppose the educational reforms the public are crying out for.
Labour's education spokesperson says she wants to scrap charter schools if the party regains power, potentially cutting short their return to the education system.
Cam speaks with guests Chris Trotter about the Green Party and Alwyn Poole about the appalling state of education in New Zealand.
“In the absence of an announcement from the MOE to the education sector and parents, it’s vitally important that this news be communicated widely to school communities.”
It is getting rather obvious that the upper middle class is tired of pretending that ‘equality’ is good if it means their children are being locked out.
Labour and the teachers’ unions are angry and upset because they don’t like the Government’s numbers on the number of kids failing at mathematics, preferring their numbers which still show 58% of year-eight kids are failing.
The education result is, of course, a huge indictment on the Ministry of Education and the teacher unions.
She has failed the very coalition agreement that underpins her government.
Just 22 per cent of students are at the expected standard for maths at year eight and three out of five are more than a year behind.
There’s no doubt that the left is out to undermine our freedoms. They’re coming for our churches, our schools, our faith-based organisations, our farms, our mines, our cars and, most of all, our children.
Teenagers declared to be Young Serious Offenders will face a stronger and escalated response, with more options for the Youth Court and Police.