Our Statements to the Royal Commission Team
It is a sad state of affairs when doctors feel they cannot speak out for fear of massive fines and/or suspension, despite the medical council providing no proof of harm to patients or the public.
It is a sad state of affairs when doctors feel they cannot speak out for fear of massive fines and/or suspension, despite the medical council providing no proof of harm to patients or the public.
Healthy social conditions and an end to dangerous gain of function research are the best ways to protect against infectious diseases.
This second call for submissions opened a month ago, yet neither Australian nor New Zealand MSM have covered it.
The Ministry of Health and an incompetent minister may very well have cost the taxpayer millions as well as put the China FTA at risk.
But new research shows it really does affect their sleep.
In the world of pharmaceutical hegemony, doctors have given up on changing lifestyles, gaslighting the victims as weak-willed and putting any attempt to change habits into the too hard basket.
Every Kiwi should be very concerned about this decision: New Zealanders do not have a right to say NO to medical procedures they disagree with or do not want.
People before policies in a world that is policies before people.
The World Economic Forum, along with many governments and multinational agencies, wants to redesign our food supply.
For the time being, we have access to information and the ability to make informed choices. Now is the time to get ready to resist.
How the youth mental health crisis has been sucked into the culture wars.
How many New Zealanders would have taken a jab if they had been told the Truth? That it was 0.84 per cent effective, not 95 per cent effective?
The numbers cannot be encouraged to keep growing. That will only ramp-up inter-generational dependency and further deplete potential productivity.
That is what the new international emergency looks like in actual data. Whichever way you count it, it is not going to become much more significant. It is not a global emergency, by any sane, rational, public health-based definition.