Pennsylvania’s Legislature Should Reject This Extremism
How is it that we cannot all agree, at least, that our laws should protect babies after they are born?
How is it that we cannot all agree, at least, that our laws should protect babies after they are born?
If you are a concerned citizen, a medical doctor, scientist or health professional, please consider adding your name to The Hope Accord.
Stats NZ projects the proportion of people aged 65+ will reach 20 per cent of the population by 2028. In four years, there could be 30 people aged 65+ years for every 100 people aged 15–64 years.
The Australian experience is a master class on how to deal with vaping badly. The New Zealand Government would do well to avoid heavy-handed regulation of vaping products, but, alas, I have little faith that they will do so.
Medicare starts negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.
If you do choose to use the mental health applications, which mainstream media has nothing but praise for, be aware – there are alligators in those waters.
In one in four suicides (24.5 per cent) the deceased experienced family violence prior to their death.
This science team agrees humanity must be made aware of this awful consequence.
Kamala summons more emotion talking about abortion than she does on any other subject.
The conference will be held at the James Hay Theatre at the Christchurch Townhall in Saturday.
Our World In Data says the world is beating us.
Far from reducing the harm from drugs, leftist policies unleash a wave of harm.
Reti and the Health Service are beginning to get the picture, but they are not willing to spill the beans to the public. Both are defending their turf rather than face the hard facts.
It was the politicians who were dictating the science, with most scientists tugging their forelocks in deference to their masters, sacrificing science, ethics and the health of the people.
A pathway to distress via inducement. Join our live webinar on Tuesday.