How Sunk Cost Fallacy Drives Authoritarian Policies
I will use two real life authoritarian policies as examples of sunk cost fallacy: the War on Drugs and the authoritarian Covid Response.
I will use two real life authoritarian policies as examples of sunk cost fallacy: the War on Drugs and the authoritarian Covid Response.
Incidents of self-harm among adolescent females were notably higher than expected.
Until a government has the guts to make reforms that radically alter the incentives for the provision of health, I doubt it will improve significantly or long term.
By recognising and utilising the full potential of nurse practitioners, we can bridge the gap in healthcare delivery and support access for everyone.
Police will now have the ability to conduct oral fluid testing at the roadside for screening purposes.
RNZ and Guyon Espiner deliberately mislead with a deceitful story about excise tax changes.
In this country we need to remove the blinkers, learn to be good parents, and make New Zealand a truly great place to bring up children.
There are very deep principles of democracy and legitimacy at stake – the duty of care for its citizens that a government must evidence.
We must take a stand to protect our natural food sources and ensure our vision that New Zealand becomes the organic, GE-free market garden for the world. The time to act is now, before it is too late.
Home ownership in New Zealand has dropped below 60 per cent, marking the lowest rate since 1945.
Home-spun wisdom gets busted and sharks get wired.
Mandating EVs and electricity generation from wind turbines and solar panels is mandating MORE USAGE of crude oil.
This article only seems to help rich doctors and big companies by supporting the false idea that more allopathic medicine, including death by doctor (assisted dying), is the answer to our health problems.
Ancient Egyptians were fastidious about hygiene – did it include their teeth?
But the reality and the science continue to prove that natural immunity is protective and durable, and this is especially true for those in good health and younger age groups.