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This Is an Act of War

This Is an Act of War

This is a line we must not cross. Never. For it is an ultimate betrayal of the people, of nature, and of our land. It is a wanton destruction of the perfect synchronisation of nature and the miracle it is.

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You Best Jump Emily, Jump

You Best Jump Emily, Jump

Reality is coming. As sure as night follows day, it’s coming. Reality cannot be denied. Reality cannot be tricked. Reality is unforgiving. Don’t be the last person left defending this deranged ideology.

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On Losing Our Forever Home

On Losing Our Forever Home

These events are happening right now on our watch, aided by bad government policy and a political system that has lost touch with truth, reason, and reality – and cares little for the welfare of those constituents directly affected by this folly.

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Accept Tikanga? How Does GFY Sound?

Accept Tikanga? How Does GFY Sound?

The Nurses Organisation is calling for an urgent increase in the number of Māori nurses and says the health system needs to do a better job at accepting tikanga.

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