What Coolidge’s Inauguration Can Teach Us Now
Calvin Coolidge was only president who actually shrank the government.
Calvin Coolidge was only president who actually shrank the government.
USSR concepts with a USA twist. The American way of life – from the economy to its borders – has been under siege. There is a desperate need to right the ship.
An estimated 4000 people still die from asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma each year. What exactly is it and how did it end up in one in three Aussie homes?
Most reasonable people would have no difficulty deciding that Mrs Hawkins’ entitlement to compensation for harm and wrongdoing far outweighs that of her daughter’s murderer, but that’s not how the system works.
All too often important effects are in the hands of people who have no appreciation for the potential importance of what they control.
But do not be confused. Tamaki’s enemies are communists and they have power.
Recognizing these less-explored, but fundamental, common features would help societies to have a broader perspective towards political relations and avoid falling for runaway collectivist movements simply because they offer a new leading identity.
America has been here before. The media will try to ruin everything you want to do. Stick together and buckle in.
The West has been dead since 2 February 1943 and the Americans held the knife. Acceptance is the final stage of mourning.
The concern centres around ‘colonisation’. When asked whether the council would support anniversary events without Ngāi Tahu’s involvement and approval, the answer was a firm “No.”
By far, a worse option would be to allow the Palestinians to remain in Gaza, as it would inevitably lead to Hamas being re-formed and re-built in readiness for more attacks. Donald Trump’s plan should be pursued.
No subject is safe. The teacher involved is excellent. But this is what she must do. The fault lies with the Ministry of Education prescribing such rubbish and with Hon Erica Stanford and Prime Minister Chris Luxon for overseeing it.
This has absolutely no basis in history and appears a very poor excuse for not taking proper care of your children.
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright; New Zealand the majority’s possession.
We New Zealanders need to take a ‘SICK’ break to recover from this ‘Waitangi virus’, so please join the nationwide protest by calling in ‘sick’ on 7 February each year.