This Is Grotesque
It’s the only word I can think of to describe the hideously choreographed return of Israeli hostages by Hamas and it’s supporters.
It’s the only word I can think of to describe the hideously choreographed return of Israeli hostages by Hamas and it’s supporters.
There are still a lot of open heavy questions that should be addressed. Specifically, who would control Gaza, and how to prevent Hamas from regaining its stronghold on the strip.
Met begs, grovels, pleads, pretty-please with anti-Semitic protesters.
At this point, Thunberg is a full hour past her proverbial 15 minutes of fame.
We need to turn out in numbers and we need to drown out their attempts to speak hate and spread misinformation.
He’s not even sworn in yet and Trump is already bringing Hamas to heel.
One thing for certain is that President Trump is a great friend of Israel and has declared that he not only wants American-Israeli hostages back, he wants them all given back.
Hond is wasting his time with this activism when his obvious career lies as an entertainer.
How Gough Whitlam dragged Labor into the anti-Semitic mud.
Rhetoric on anti-Semitism counts for nothing when the government keeps siding with Israel’s enemies.