Gay Jihadis: The Latest Scam
Facelifted Al-Qaeda in Syria now sounds like it swallowed an equity and inclusion manual written by a nose-ringed, purple-haired, gender-fluid Western activist.
Samuel Paty Was Murdered for a Lie
How a fabricated ‘hate crime’ led to a very real one.
This Doesn’t Sound like Terrorism at All
The unbelievable lies surrounding the Southport terror attack.
Nice to Know Our Aviation Industry Is in Safe Hands
Apparently ‘terrorist supporter’ is the must-have on the resume.
There Was Nothing ‘Moderate’ About Hassan Nasrallah
Nasrallah was nothing but an evil, theocratic, terrorist living in once-Christian Lebanon that was heavily colonised by Moslem invaders, mostly from Syria and Iran. Christians are now a persecuted minority and have been since the ’90s