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Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Perhaps if the Greens want to endorse a different kākāriki mayoral candidate next year, they should go for someone who isn’t from the lobbying beltway and instead choose someone with a better sense of what ordinary people want from local government.

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Here Is the Real News

Here Is the Real News

The real news is not to be found at six o’clock on One or Three but elsewhere in places such as YouTube.

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World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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There Was No ‘Project 2023’

There Was No ‘Project 2023’

The fate of the coalition Government’s ill-thought-out effort to roll back the cultural changes of the Labour Government highlights the difficulties of acting without first securing the active support of both the state apparatus and the wielders of the society’s ‘soft power’.

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BBC’s Bias Openly on Display

BBC’s Bias Openly on Display

TVNZ uses BBC news on the Israeli-Hamas conflict as a source for broadcasting to their dwindling audience.

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Dry Your Eyes, Jack

Dry Your Eyes, Jack

The media luvvies are all crying rivers of tears because politicians won’t go on their shows. They need to dry their eyes and start being objective rather than the left-wing shills they really are.

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