What About the Media’s Role?
Maybe it’s time for the media and establishment politicians to lead by example and take some accountability for their own (massive) roles in turning up the dial.
Maybe it’s time for the media and establishment politicians to lead by example and take some accountability for their own (massive) roles in turning up the dial.
As those of us not living in clown world know, the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony was a complete and utter shit show.
Check out the latest media stuff ups both locally and around the world.
Check out the latest media stuff ups both locally and around the world.
RNZ and Guyon Espiner deliberately mislead with a deceitful story about excise tax changes.
Now that he has made his big reveal about something that has wounded him to the core, you can well expect that Elon Musk’s crusade is just getting started.
You’re not a right-wing conspiracy theorist: they really are censoring the news.
Check out the latest media stuff ups both locally and around the world.
A horror knife attack on innocent kids – and a standard cover-up.
The media kerfuffle over referring to Harris as the “border czar” is really a major indicator of the serious lengths the liberal media will go to camouflage the truth.
This article only seems to help rich doctors and big companies by supporting the false idea that more allopathic medicine, including death by doctor (assisted dying), is the answer to our health problems.
The Biden White House are still lying about Joe’s cognitive decline.
Organizers scrambled to have removed the opening ceremony video from YouTube and other platforms following the significant public backlash.
What Marty Sharpe’s article reveals is simply corruption by a government agency with a pre-determined agenda.