NZ Politics
This Has Been Another Unfortunate Experiment
Before the introduction of blockers, around 80 per cent of young children with gender dysphoria would grow out of it naturally, typically becoming gay, lesbian or bisexual adults. So, how can medical professionals be sure a child is trans? There is no objective test.
Why Evidence and Your Voice Matter
Rethinking puberty blockers. Feedback closes on 20 January.
Good Grief Golly G!
It sounds very much like Golriz Ghahraman has been getting a five-finger discount from Pak’nSave.
Meta Is Still Fact Checking In NZ
I received a polite email this week from Kiwi journalist George Driver who is an official ‘fact checker’ for Facebook who queried one of my recent posts.
NZDSOS-ACC Email Thread for the Record
That hasn’t aged well and perhaps ACC should chat to the Medical Council about recovering some of its costs.
Bar Threatens to Cancel a Music Gig
The pricing breaches New Zealand’s Human Rights Act 1993.
All of Us Are Equal
The challenge now is for the silent majority to stand up and display their support for proper equality in NZ.
Poor Leadership and Bad Advice
More than just a shortage of money is negatively affecting children in benefit-dependent homes. If poor children in working households have better outcomes, then increasing parental employment would be a better strategy than increasing benefits.
It’s Ok When Brown People Do It?
It seems it is OK to be racist, when you are targeting white people.
Public Invited to Have Their Say on Arms Act Rewrite
The public consultation period for the rewrite of the Arms Act 1983 has officially opened, giving New Zealanders the opportunity to provide feedback on proposed changes to firearm regulations.
We Went From Isolation to Close Friendships
Enforced isolation without an end in sight is torture.
This Bill Undermines Your Freedom and Autonomy
The bill enables mandatory interventions based on approvals from foreign regulators like the WHO, undermining the NZ Bill of Rights.