Heather Simpson Was Responsible for Health NZ
Now she’s been promoted to director of inter-island ferry procurement.
Now she’s been promoted to director of inter-island ferry procurement.
He must go. His party must put New Zealand’s future and democratic foundations first.
Voters who find themselves disappointed in the current government should realise that these parties are actually delivering what they promised – for all the talk of efficiency, they never promised real change. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
It is time the coalition put the interests of New Zealand first by abandoning net-zero policies in order to focus on economic growth.
By grounding the system in property rights, they’re telling Kiwis they can finally use their land without having to beg permission from every busybody with a clipboard.
The Minister for RMA Reform Chris Bishop told media on Monday Cabinet had ruled out incorporating a Treaty principles clause in the two bills the government will introduce to replace the RMA.
Even when backed by science. The New Zealand Parliament under Ardern and now Luxon has shown itself unable to tolerate questions. The main loser has been the New Zealand public.
The MCNZ is broken and cannot be fixed. The same could be said for the New Zealand health system.
The attack on the Let Women Speak attendees in the name of trans rights was a glimpse of the “the iron fist of authoritarianism that lurks in the velvet glove of ‘Be Kind’.”
This taxpayer-funded project has got way out of hand and feeding children who are quite capable of bringing their own lunch to school is a misuse of our money.
Let’s trust Finance Minister Willis will not continue the disgracefully invalid past appointments process.
Our national interest lies in retaining a cordial relationship with both the US and China as Singapore has successfully done.
Winston Peters pours cold water on immigration changes and highlights key points.
We have a God-given duty to protect children. Not just your own kids but all kids. They need a childhood. They need to grow and mature. They need to be safe and protected.