The Real Problem With Mike King
The public should be very sceptical of this style of politics, and politicians should be pressured to rule out such cosy arrangements in future negotiations.
The public should be very sceptical of this style of politics, and politicians should be pressured to rule out such cosy arrangements in future negotiations.
Every Kiwi would be well advised to consider if Benjamin Doyle is the calibre of individual who ought to be sitting in our house of representatives “putting words into practice”.
Increasingly, decisions around our daily lives are being made by unelected, unaccountable, nameless managers.
Key questions remain unanswered. Can the Waikato medical school, if approved, realistically deliver the promised outcomes of rural and primary care doctors faster and more effectively than expanding current programs?
Leaking and white-anting public servants are crying a river of tears about being held to account for their deliberate tactics to undermine a minister and government that they don’t agree with. Perhaps we need to drain the swamp.
Now Germans are asking hard questions. Australians demand answers, too, and so do more and more Kiwis.
A former chair of US President’s Council of Economic Advisers has explained why.
The government’s proposal, if implemented, could indeed reduce costs and speed up construction, but it carries significant risks.
Mark Mitchell is a G-man...that is going to be hard for Nicole McKee to get around.