NZ Politics
The Entitled Woke Left
Those on the 'woke left' are only tolerant of those they agree with while routinely expressing entitlement to positions of power and influence.
Gang Patch Ban Could Spread Further
What we know for sure is that, eventually, it will be defined and enforced by the last people you’d ever want to.
This Is to Their Shame
Despite growing evidence of failed and injurious mRNA vaccines and their unknown long-term health effects, NZ health authorities are still promoting the Covid vaccines as safe and effective and media are silent on the subject. Shame on them!
The Australians Make It Official
Labour Leader Hipkins, aided by his henchmen in the MainStreamMedia, Wrecked NZ's Economy by Ordering Vaccines Late & Destroyed Trust in our Government
I’d Rather Listen to Mike King than Labour’s Wowsers
Labour hate Mike King; he made an unforgiveable decision in their eyes when he turned his back on them. So, now they just attack him and his charity whenever they can. They are just a bunch of miserable, nasty, wowsers.
[The Good Oil] November 2024 Political Poll
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The NZ Herald and Radio NZ Misled Us
They asserted that “65 per cent of Kiwis support Capital Gains Tax”. The survey they used shows around 90 per cent oppose it.
Back to Basics for Maths
Private charities, tutors and mathematics challenges are beating the state on maths education.
The Battle for Democracy in NZ
This highlights the scale of the challenge faced by the coalition as they defend New Zealand’s democracy from the constant attack of radicals now firmly entrenched within our institutions and political system.