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NZ Politics

Law Commission Posing in Drag

Law Commission Posing in Drag

It is obvious we cannot leave it in the Ministry of Health’s hands. They are burying their heads in the sand over this issue, not wanting to offend a minority group who are holding sway on this issue

Members Public
Do We Have a Cronyism Problem?

Do We Have a Cronyism Problem?

Prime Minister Starmer can claim that his new government is just doing the same as their predecessors, but that doesn’t seem to cut with a very disgruntled public. Prime Minister Luxon should take note.

Members Public
Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Christopher Luxon said health professionals were wrong to implement the policy and the health minister has now intervened.

Members Public
It’s Been a Time Coming

It’s Been a Time Coming

“I come to the dangers posed by the increasing entrenchment of the treaty in statute. The treaty itself contains no principles which can usefully guide government or courts.” – Lange

Members Public
Time to Break up the Supermarket Duopoly

Time to Break up the Supermarket Duopoly

An embarrassing big con is being sold to New Zealanders. Hopefully the politicians and public soon learn to look beyond the duopoly’s plea to only have tweaks made to their dominance and then genuine reform can come.

Members Public
This Is Takeover by Stealth

This Is Takeover by Stealth

The reality is that He Puapua is alive and well in local government and in spite of the coalition pledge to ‘Stop all work on He Puapua’, it is now so rampant that it is threatening to take over the sector entirely, with very significant consequences for ratepayers.

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