NZ Politics
National Decline In 2024
New Zealanders lack confidence in Christopher Luxon to lead us through these challenges. His own caucus sounds increasingly sceptical. New Zealand politics could look very different by the end of next year.
More Money on Sex Changes Than Care for Dying Children
The government and Te Whatu Ora need to get their priorities right.
We Can’t Let Them Do This
Analysis of misinformation in the Gene Technology Bill and suggestions for submissions and discussions.
Merry Christmas and End of Year Comments on Our Value
Our pressing problem is very much not equity – it is efficiency. Once that’s sorted out, we will be on our way up again.
What Called You to Action in 2024
As a society, we must prioritize protecting our most vulnerable – our children. They are the future of our nation and it is our duty to ensure their safety and well being.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Whether we like it or not, what was a gradual shift towards tribal rule is now advancing rapidly. We can either turn a blind eye or step up to stop it.
New Zealand Is Being Ruled by Fear
If we want democratic control of our country back we must ‘man up’ and actively front up to these racist bullying hustlers.
Asking the Big Banks to Cut Their Own Profits?
Good luck to the finance minister convincing KiwiSaver funds to start investing more in smaller banks.
The Left, Lies and Lawfare
It is puzzling as to why the left think this is the way to win elections. And for this reason, they have doomed themselves to remaining in opposition.
What Does Society Expect From Fathers?
On one hand the state says they can impregnate at will and bear no responsibility. On the other, an Appeal Court judge, mopping up after the too-common horrible aftermath, claims there is responsibility. But it’s not one enforceable by law.
I’m Starting to Like Simeon
It’s clear that Simeon is promising to bring councils to heel and stop them wasting ratepayer money on bullshit.
The TPM Threats to Business
‘They have shown what extremist economic morons they are and how little they value the future of our country.’ – Peters.