Here Is What We Can Learn From His Legacy
“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job.” – Douglas Adams
Everything about politics
“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job.” – Douglas Adams
Freedom activist Tom Morazzo’s tweet challenged systemic issues in Canada in the wake of the resignation of Justin Trudeau.
Ardern, Biden and Trudeau are now gone. But where to from here?
Shane Jones has taken issue with ‘tikanga’ at Tariana Turia’s tangi.
Drawing the owner of your dirty little rag in a poor light has consequences.
The vaccine is the intellectual property of those who created the bioweapon, and it is worth a fortune once the weapon has been unleashed. It is as simple as that.
Labour sticking their nose into people’s business since forever.
Maybe it is time to lower the walls of our ideological purity, drop the intellectual piety and pick our battles more carefully.
This points to an Orwellian future for motorists.
The legislation faced opposition from Sinn Féin and others. It was ultimately passed with 78 votes in favour and 52 against.